2.02.23 - Breeding and genetic resources of Asian conifers



Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding: Past Progress and Future Prospects

Joint Symposium of the Japanese Society of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding (FGTB) and IUFRO's Working Party on Breeding and Genetic Resources of Asian Conifers
online; 12 November 2022, 9:30 am JST (11 November 2022 EST)

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Japanese Society of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, the international symposium, 'Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding: Past progress and Future prospects', is organized which will be held as a part of Division 2 activity in IUFRO. Five outstanding keynote speakers on forest genetics and forest tree breeding are invited. The symposium will be held virtually via Zoom and is open to anyone who is interested in the topics of the symposium. The conference language is English with simultaneous Japanese translation.

Deadline for the online registration4 November 2022.

Event website:  https://fgtb10th.jp/  

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Jian-Feng Mao, China

About Unit

With a focus of the conifers of Asia, the Working Party is interested in all aspects of tree breeding and genetic resources of these species. This includes research investigations of gene resources and methods for their conservation, as well as provenance trials and delineation of seed zones, species hybridization, introduction of exotic species, vegetative propagation and clonal forestry and biotechnology.