1.01.07 - Ecology and silviculture of beech



Temperate and boreal primeval forests in the face of global change

Lviv, Western Ukraine; 2-4 September 2019; Units involved: 1.01.07, 8.01.01.

The goal of this conference is to bring together the global community of scientists working on the ecology and dynamics of temperate and boreal primeval forests, and their interaction with local people. The participants are offered the opportunity to present their current research and to discuss how global change might affect temperate and boreal primeval forests. Apart from contributions on primeval forests, we also welcome those dealing with formerly managed forests which are protected as forest reserves and on the pathway to become primeval forests again. We also encourage to submit contributions dealing with effects of the surrounding forests on primeval forests and their relation to societal needs. Ukraine is a particularly suitable place for this conference since it still harbors large primeval forest remnants.

Details: https://www.wsl.ch/en/about-wsl/events/details/temperate-and-boreal-primeval-forests-in-the-face-of-global-change.html

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Alfredo Di Filippo, Italy


Atsuhiro Iio, Japan

Parisa Panahi, Iran

About Unit

This Working Party provides support for forest scientists and others interested in the silviculture, genetics, ecology and management of beech forests. The Research Group will give high priority to informal meetings and excursions, which involves researchers, managers and other end-users in order to focus and communicate on research aims and methods in the context of management needs and challenges related to Fagus. Read more...

State of Knowledge

8th IUFRO International Beech Symposium; Nanae, Hokkaido, Japan; 8-12 September 2008. Scientific Summary

Activities and events Unit 1.01.07

Upcoming event

2024-10-02Characteristics of Ecosystem Services of European Old-Growth Beech ForestsBruges, Belgium

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