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IUFRO News Vol. 42, Issue 4, April 2013

The World Teak Conference in Bangkok, the Morioka 2013 symposium on the role of the forest sector in a green economy, and IUFRO's activities at UNFF10 in Turkey are among the highlights of this issue.

The World Teak Conference 2013 "Sharing our Planet: Teak Model Development Towards the Improvement of Mankind" in the Bangkok, Thailand, covered four main topics relevant to the teak timber: genetics, silviculture & utilization; environment, climate change & carbon trading; economics & investments; and, rural development. The Symposium "MORIOKA 2013: Global Forest Products Marketing and Forest Certification in a Green Economy" aimed at providing a synthesis of scientific research on forest products marketing and forest certification worldwide to discuss strategies and challenges of the forest sector in a green economy. UNFF10 in Istanbul offered an international platform for IUFRO to present itself to stakeholders ranging from state representatives to young forest students and all other partner organizations. In this issue you will also find a call for nominations for IUFRO World Congress 2014 awards and announcements of upcoming meetings, new publications and open positions.

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