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IUFRO News Vol. 42, Issue 8, early September 2013

The topics covered in this issue range from viruses and phytoplasma of forest and urban trees to forest genetics, silviculture and ungulates, and legal aspects for sustainable forest development...

Learn about the topics discussed at recent IUFRO meetings, such as the IUFRO Working Party 7.02.04 conference on "Viruses and Phytoplasma of Forest and Urban Trees" in Berlin, Germany; the Forest Genetics 2013 conference in Whistler, Canada, involving IUFRO Working Party 2.02.05; the roundtable discussion on the joint management of grazing ungulates and forest ecosystems in Minneapolis, USA, with the participation of IUFRO Working Party 1.01.12; or the 15th International Symposium of IUFRO Research Group 9.06.00 Forest Law and Environmental Legislation in Tirana, Albania. And, keep informed about upcoming meetings, open positions, new publications and more!

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