4.00.00 - Forest Assessment, Modelling and Management



All-Division 1 & 4 Online Discussion Conference

Close-To-Nature Silviculture: Experiments and Modelling for Forestry Practice
online, 7-9 February 2023.
Units involved: 1.00.00, 4.00.00 and all Research Groups and Working Parties

The purpose of this conference is to showcase and discuss the concept, science and practice of close-to-nature silviculture, focusing mainly on experiments and modelling for forestry practice:

  1. Close-to-nature silviculture is often defined by what it is not or, rather, as a contrast to classical or conventional silviculture. What do we really mean with these terms?
  2. Which type of experiments, experimental designs and forest modelling approaches are relevant to contrast classical, conventional, close-to-nature silviculture or other management principles?
  3. Can we rely on inventory data when modelling the effects or outcome of these comprehensive approaches to forest management, or do we have to wait for long-term experiments to mature?
  4. Is close-to-nature silviculture the solution to climate-change adaptation?

Details:  Poster - Flyer - 2nd Call - Programme

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Bianca Eskelson, Canada


Temesgen Hailemariam, United States

Virginia Morales Olmos, Uruguay

Arne Pommerening, Sweden

About Unit

This Division includes: studies of growth and yield (including mensuration); forest resource inventory (collection and analysis of resource data); forest management planning and managerial economics; remote sensing; management sciences of forest enterprises; statistical methods, mathematics and computer technology.

Activities and events Unit 4.00.00

Upcoming 3 events

Optimization and Wildfire Conference (O&W)Luso, Portugal
2024-10-02Characteristics of Ecosystem Services of European Old-Growth Beech ForestsBruges, Belgium
IX Congreso Chileno de Ciencias Forestales: "Descubriendo, aceptando desafíos, y cultivando sostenibilidad"Valdivia, Chile

More activities and events (3 total)
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