4.04.06 - Nature conservation planning



20th SSAFR Coming Up!

20th Symposium on Systems Analysis in Forest Resources (SSAFR 2024)
Hondarribia, Basque Country, Spain; 13-17 May 2024
Units involved: 4.04.04, 4.04.06.

Since 1975, SSAFR has been the premier international forum for forest systems analysis, operations research (OR) and decision science. The SSAFR community has been the primary contributor to almost all key forest management and planning research during the past century, e.g., harvest scheduling, supply chain, forest health, spatial optimization, wildland fire risk management, simulation, stochastic process, and forest and fire economics. The SSAFR community also embraces the opportunities of emerging new data science technologies and the challenges from the global climate changes.

This 20th  symposium will accept abstracts related with the following subjects:

  1. Application of Remote Sensing In Forestry
  2. Forest Modelling
  3. Forest management and planning
  4. Forest transportation and supply chain optimization
  5. Wildfire risk simulation, management and decision support
  6. Forest health, invasive species, and wildlife habitat management
  7. Spatially explicit optimization
  8. Stochastic process simulation and optimization
  9. Quantitative forest and fire economics
  10. Forest and watershed management  
  11. Data science and machine learning
  12. Forest systems analysis under the impact of climate change

Abstract submission deadline:  1 March 2024

Details:  https://decisiones.ctfc.cat/SSAFR2024/

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Marc McDill, United States


Jordi Garcia-Gonzalo, Portugal