

International Science Council ISC Awards Programme

ISC Members, Affiliated Bodies and partners are invited to nominate individuals or groups of individuals who contribute to the promotion of science as a global public good for the ISC Awards Programme 2021 in several categories.


Science for Sustainability Award for outstanding scientific contribution to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals using an interdisciplinary approach (one award)

Science-for-Policy Award for outstanding contribution to stimulation of, support for or communication of the findings of international scientific research and scholarship relevant to international policy challenges (one award)

Policy-for-Science Award for outstanding contribution to developments in the science system that enable science to contribute more effectively to major debates in the international domain (one award)

Scientific Freedom and Responsibility Award for outstanding contribution to defending and promoting the free and responsible practice of science (one award)

Early Career Scientist Award for exceptional contribution to science and international scientific collaboration by early career researchers (six awards: one award to a scientist from each of (i) Africa, (ii) Asia, (iii) Australia and Oceania, (iv) Europe, (v) North America, and (vi) South America and the Caribbean)

There is no limit to the number of candidates nominated per category and per organization in general, hence, an organization may nominate several candidates, which may or may not be for the same Award category.

Deadline for nominations: 1 March 2021. Awardees will be announced at the General Assembly in October.
Contact: Anne Thieme, Anne.Thieme(at)


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