

Scientific Summary 130 in IUFRO News Vol. 44, Issue 5&6, June 2015

The international IUFRO Symposium "Cross-sectoral policy impacts on managerial economics and accounting in forestry " was jointly organized by IUFRO Units 9.05.03 and 4.05.00 in Sarajevo on 4-6 May, 2015.

Cross-sectoral Policy Impacts on Managerial Economics and Accounting in Forestry

Due to emerging cross-sectoral policy impacts on forests and environment, there are substantial effects on framework conditions for forest management which deserve to be economically identified and assessed. The Symposium aimed to capture a broad analysis of the issues related to sustainable forest management in the context of cross-sectoral policy impacts on economic returns to forest management as well as to assess how forest managerial economics and accounting can provide information for policy deliberations. Topics presented in the Symposium well covered some priorities defined in the IUFRO Strategy 2015-2019.

Proceedings of the meeting are available at:

Download the full Scientific Summary:

Cross-sectoral Policy Impacts on Managerial Economics and Accounting in Forestry

Report by Mersudin Avdibegović, Coordinator of IUFRO Working Party 9.05.03, Bruno Marić, WP 9.05.03,
Lidija Zadnik Stirn, Deputy Coordinator of IUFRO Division 4, Coordinator of Research Group 4.05.00



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