Activities and events

From/To Units Title Location






6th International Conference on Soil Bio- and Eco-engineering: The Use of Vegetation to Improve Slope Stability Xalapa, Mexico
Contact: Alexia Stokes, Email:
From/To Units Title Location




V Congreso Internacional Agroforestal y Forestal Patagónico (CIAP) – II Congreso Forestal Patagónico (CFP) Coyhaique, Chile
Contact: Mónica Toro-Manríquez, Email:
From/To Units Title Location





Fifth International Scientific and Expert Conference "Natural Resources, Green Technologies and Sustainable Development/5-GREEN2024" Zagreb, Croatia
Contact: Renata Stojaković, Email:
From/To Units Title Location





Characteristics of Ecosystem Services of European Old-Growth Beech Forests Bruges, Belgium
Contact: Manuela Hirschmugl, Email:
From/To Units Title Location




IUFRO ForestGALES/fgr Workshop 2024 Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Contact: Tom Locatelli, Email:
Contact: Barry Gardiner, Email:
From/To Units Title Location




Role and Fate of Forest Ecosystems in a Changing World” and 31st biennial conference of the IUFRO Research Group 8.04 on "Air pollution and climate change" Bangkok, Thailand
Contact: Pierre Sicard, Email:

Calendar of Meetings

Upcoming IUFRO meetings

  • Fifth International Scientific and Expert Conference "Natural Resources, Green Technologies and Sustainable Development/5-GREEN2024"; Zagreb, Croatia; 3-5 December 2024. Units involved: 8.00.00, 8.04.00. Conference homepage

Reports and documents on past IUFRO meetings

  • All-Division 8 Conference: FORESTED LANDSCAPES in the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework: Mitigation Options Towards Implementation of the SDGs; Évora, Portugal; 24-27 October 2023. Conference homepage - Report
  • International Scientific Conference: Forest Science for People and Societal Challenges - The 90th "Marin Drăcea" INCDS Anniversary; Bucharest, Romania; 2-15 October 2023. Units involved: 8.00.00, 8.04.00.  Conference homepage - Report   
  • Summer School: Resilience of Forest to Climate Change - Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Applied to Forest Disturbances; Joensuu, Finland; 7-18 August 2023. Details - Flyer - Report
  • Summer School: Quantifying carbon fluxes and stocks in agricultural and forestry settings; Gradignan, France; 12-16 June 2023. Event homepage - Flyer  
  • Training School "Innovative tools to analyse species-environment relationships"; Grenoble, France; 4-5 October 2022. IUFRO Units involved: 8.00.00, 8.02.01. Event homepage - Report
  • Natural Resources, Green Technology and Sustainable Developement/4 - GREEN2022; Zagreb and Jastrebarsko, Croatia; 14-16 September 2022. Units involved: 5.00.00, 8.00.00, 8.04.00, 9.00.00. Conference homepage - 1st announcement - Full report - Report
  • INTECOL2022 - Session: Forest Biodiversity Crisis:  Resilience & mitigation options; Geneva, Switzerland; 28 August - 2 September 2022. Conference homepage - Report
  • INTECOL2022 - Session: Ecology from space (Remote sensing applications on forested systems); Geneva, Switzerland; 28 August - 2 September 2022. Conference homepage
  • Training School "Field Sampling for Multi-Taxon Biodiversity Studies in European Forests"; Lisbon, Portugal; 20-22 June 2022. Units involved: 8.00.00, 8.02.01. Event homepage - Report
  • VIII International Conference on Landscape and Urban Horticulture - The role of science in reconciling ecology and technology in Landscape and Urban Horticulture, and the IV International Symposium on Woody Ornamentals of the Temperate Zone; online; 15-17 December 2021. IUFRO Units involved: 8.00.00, 8.01.02. Conference homepage - 1st announcement  
  • Seminario: La contribución de la restauración de paisajes a la adaptación a los efectos del Cambio Climático y su papel en los NDC’s; en linea; 23 de Junio de 2021; 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM, Eastern Time (USA and Canada). Units involved: 8.00.00, 3.09.00. Página Internet - Agenda - Report
  • 5th International Conference on Forests and Water 2018; Valdivia, Chile; 5-9 November 2018. IUFRO Units involved: 8.00.00, Task Force on Forests, Soil and Water Interactions. Conference homepage - First announcement          
  • 4th International Congress on Planted Forests: Planted Forests – A Solution for Green Development; Beijing, China; 23-27 October 2018. Units involved: TF Sustainable Planted Forests for a Greener Future, 8.00.00. Conference homepage - Report - Interview with IUFRO Executive Director Alexander Buck   
  • Adaptive Management for Forested Landscapes in Transformation; Posadas, Misiones, Argentina; 1-5 October 2018. Units involved: 8.00.00, 8.01.02, Joint IUFRO-IFSA Task Force on Forest Education. Conference homepage - Flyer - In the Media - Report  
  • 2018 International Conference on Protective Forests commemorating the 40th Anniversary of Three-North Afforestation Program (ICPF2018); Shenyang, China; 1-5 August 2018. Conference homepage - Report   
  • "Joint Forum of Forest City and Green Sharing (FFCGS)" during the Eco Forum Global Annual Conference; Guiyang City, Guizhou Province, China; 6 July 2018. Conference homepage - Report   
  • 12th International Congress of Ecology "Ecology and Civilization in a Changing World" - INTECOL 2017; Beijing, China, 21-25 August 2017. Conference homepage - Conference Flyer - Symposium Proposals Submission Form   
  • International Symposium on Sustainable Forest Management in the Context of Global Change (ISSFM-CGC); Harbin, China; 1-3 August 2017. Units involved: 8.00.00, 1.00.00, 1.06.00. 1st announcement - symposium flyer - Report
  • All-Division 8 Conference: FOREST ENVIRONMENT under CHANGING CLIMATES and SOCIETIES (to be held in conjunction with the IUFRO Regional Congress for Asia and Oceania; Beijing, China; 24-28 October 2016. Conference homepage - 1st announcement and Call for sessions - 2nd announcement and Call for sessions   
  • Ecology, silviculture and management of spruce species in mixed forests; Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; 11-13 August 2015. Units involved: 1.01.08, 8.00.00. Conference homepage1st announcement 
  • Adopting REDD+ for Conservation, Sustainable Community Livelihood and Climate Change Mitigation; Hong Kong, China; 13-15 December 2013. Units involved: 8.00.00, Global Forest Expert Panels (GFEP). Report
  • Seminar, Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services from Planted Forests, at the Third International Congress on Planted Forests, Lisbon, 21-22 May 2013. Units involved: TF on Biodiversity and Ecosystems, 4.00.00, 7.00.00, 8.00.00, 9.00.00. Seminar Programme - Report - Summary Report on ICPF
  • 3rd International Congress on Planted Forests "Planted forests on the globe, renewable resources for the future"; Estoril, Portugal and other locations; 16-21 May 2013. Units involved: 8.00.00, 4.00.00. Conference homepage
  • Scientific workshop on "Vulnerability and Risk Management in Planted Forests"; Bordeaux, France; 16-18 May 2013. Units involved: 7.00.00, 7.03.00, 8.00.00. Conference homepage
  • Tackling climate change: The contribution of forest scientific knowledge; Tours, France; 21-24 May 2012. Units involved: 4.01.04, 8.00.00. Conference homepage - 1st announcement - 2nd announcement - Call for Contributions - Programme
  • MEDPINE 4: 4th International Conference on Mediterranean Pines; Avignon, France; 6-10 June 2011. Units involved: 1.01.10, 2.02.13, 4.00.00, 8.00.00, 8.03.05. Conference homepage - 2nd announcement - Scientific report - Pictures: Scientific study tour - Canopy
  • People, Forests and the Environment: Coexisting in Harmony; Casablanca, Morocco; 25-27 May 2010. Units involved: 4.02.01, 8.00.00, 7.01.00, 1.00.00. Conference homepage - Conference report 
  • First International Soil and Roots Engineering Relationship Conference; Ardebil Province, Iran; 24-26 May 2010. Conference homepage - Poster
  • International Conference on the Efforts in Response to Forest-Related Natural Disasters; Beijing, China; 12-14 April 2010. Conference homepage - Call for papers
  • Spruce in the context of global change: Ecology, silviculture, forest products, management risks and conservation practices; Halmstad, Sweden; 31 August - 3 September 2009. Units involved: 1.00.00, 1.01.08, 4.00.00, 8.00.00. Conference homepage - First announcement – Second announcement
  • Conference on "Adaptation of Forests and Forest Management to Climate Change with Emphasis on Forest Health – Review of Science, Policies, and Practices"; Umeå, Sweden; 25–28 August 2008. Conference website - 3rd announcementConference report (draft)
  • IUFRO Conference on Biodiversity in forest ecosystems and landscapes; Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada; 4-9 August 2008 - First announcement and Call for Papers - Conference report provided by 8.02.00 and 8.02.02
  • COST Strategic Workshop "Global Change and Sustainable Development in Mountain Regions", Innsbruck, Austria; 7-9 April 2008 - Meeting Report
  • International Conference on Forests, Bioenergy and Climate Change, Casablanca, Morocco, March 2008; Message from Dr. Ahmed Djoghlaf  Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) on the occasion of the conference
  • II Congreso Latinoamericano de Parques Nacionales y otras Areas Protegidas, Bariloche, Argentina; 1-6 October 2007 - Meeting Report  
  • IUFRO Interdivisional Conference on Forest Landscape Restoration; Seoul, South Korea; 14-19 May 2007, Units involved: 1.00.00, 6.00.00, 8.00.00.