Forests and Genetically Modified Trees
TF Forests and Genetically Modified Trees
Yousry El-Kassaby, Canada
In recent months significant progress has been made towards the completion of the TaskForce Report. The original plan is to develop 14 chapters covering:
1- Genetic Modification as a Component of Forest Biotechnology
2- Biotechnology (GMO) Techniques
3- Target Traits for GMO
4- Advances in Reproductive Control/Containment
5- Integrating Genetically Modified Traits into Tree Improvement Programs
6- China's Pilot Deployment of Genetically Modified Trees
7- Theoretical and Practical Considerations of Gene Flow
8- Ethical Considerations of Genetically Modified Trees
9- Biosafety and Risk Assessment and Genetically Modified Trees
10- Genetically Modified Trees and Environmental Concerns
11- Social, Legal, and Regulatory Issues Related to Transgenic Trees
12- Justification of Genetically Modified Trees
13- Forest Biotechnology: More than wood production
14- An undergraduate’s View and Opinion on Genetically Modified Trees
At present 11 chapters have been completed, 1 promised by the end of March (Chapter 12), and the status of the remaining two Chapters (#6 and 9) are uncertain at this moment and most likely will not be included in the report.
As per our past Board Meeting, FAO has accepted the task of reviewing and jointly publish the report with IUFRO. Communications with FAO representative are planned during the Marrakech Board Meeting to finalize the review and editing arrangements.
I will act as the Editor to ensure that the FAO/IUFRO standards are met. This will be coordinated with both FAO and IUFRO.
It is planned to include an forward and introduction by IUFRO President and VP Research, respectively. Additionally, an overview will be added to introduce the reviewed chapters (by FAO representative and myself).