Publications and references


International Conference on Ozone and Plant Ecosystems; Florence, Italy; 21-25 May 2018. Units involved: 7.01.00, 7.01.02, 7.01.05, 7.01.09. Scientific summary - Book of Abstracts  
Proceedings published in:
Virtual Special Issue (VSI) in Science of the Total Environment (IF2016=4.900),
Article Collection 'Forests and Ozone Pollution' within Forests and the atmosphere, specialty section of Frontiers in Forests and Global Change,
Special issue "Air Pollution and Plant Ecosystems" in the open access journal Climate,

28th IUFRO conference for Specialists in Air Pollution and Climate Change Impacts on Forest Ecosystems: "Actions for Sustainable Forest Ecosystems under Air Pollution and Climate Change"; Fuchu, Tokyo, Japan; 22-26 October 2017.
A total of 8 papers are published in the following two journals.
Journal of Plant Research (3 papers):
Journal of AgriculturalMeteorology (5 papers):

Anav A., De Marco A., Proietti C., Alessandri A., Dell'Aquila A., Cionni I., Friedlingstein P., Khvorostyanov D., Menut L., Paoletti E., Sicard P., Sitch S., Vitale M., 2015. Comparing concentration-based (AOT40) and stomatal uptake (PODY) metrics for ozone risk assessment to European forests. Global Change Biology 22 DOI:

Cameron D., van Oijen M., Werner C., Butterbach-Bahl K., Haas E., Heuvelink G.B.M., Grote R., Kiese R., Kuhnert M., Kros J., Leip A., Reuter H.I., Reinds G.J., Schelhaas M.J., de Vries W., Yeluripati J., 2013. Environmental change impacts on the C- and N-cycle of European forests:  a model comparison study. Biogeosciences 10: 1751-1773.

Danielewska A., Paoletti E., Clarke N., Olejnik J., Urbaniak M., Baran M., Siedlecki P., Hansen K., Lundin L., de Vries W., Mikkelsen T.N., Dillen S., Fischer R., 2013. Toward integration of research and monitoring at forest sites in Europe. Forest systems 22: 535-545.

De Marco A., Sicard P., Fares S., Tuovinen J-P., Anav A., Paoletti E., 2016. Why we cannot ignore soil water limitation when assessing ozone risk to vegetation. Atmospheric Environment (in press).

De Marco A., Sicard P., Vitale M., Carriero G., Renou C., Paoletti E., 2015. Metrics of ozone risk assessment for Southern European forests: canopy moisture content as a potential plant response indicator. Atmospheric Environment 120: 182-190.

De Marco A., Proietti C., Cionni I., Fischer R., Screpanti A., Vitale M., 2014. Future impacts of nitrogen deposition and climate change scenarios on forest crown defoliation. Environmental Pollution 194:171-180.

De Marco A., Screpanti A., Attorre F., Proietti C.,  Vitale M., 2013. Ozone and nitrogen impact assessment on net primary productivity of tree species differently distributed in Italy. Environmental Pollution, 172: 250-263.

De Vries W., Dobbertin M.H., Solberg S., van Dobben H., Schaub M., 2014a. Impacts of acid deposition, ozone exposure and weather conditions on forest ecosystems in Europe: an overview. Plant and Soil 380: 1-45.

De Vries W., 2014b. Nutrients trigger carbon storage. Nature climate change 4: 425-426.

De Vries W., Du E., Butterbach-Bahl K., 2014c. Short and long-term impacts of nitrogen deposition on carbon sequestration by forest ecosystems. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 9-10: 90-104.

De Vries W., and Posch M., 2011. Modelling the impact of nitrogen deposition, climate change and nutrient limitations on tree carbon sequestration in Europe for the period 1900-2050. Environmental Pollution 159: 2289-2299.

Du E.Z., de Vries W.,  Han W.X., Liu X.J., Yan Z.B., Jiang Y., 2016a. Imbalanced phosphorus and nitrogen deposition in China's forests. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16: 8571-8579.

Du E.Z., 2016b. Rise and fall of nitrogen deposition in the United States. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113: E3594-E3595.

Du E.Z.,  2015a. Uncertain effects of nutrient availability on global forest carbon balance. Nature Climate Change 5: 958-959.

Du E.Z., de Vries W., Liu X.J., Fang J.Y., Galloway J.N., Jiang Y. 2015b. Spatial boundary of urban ‘acid islands' in China. Scientific Reports 5: 12625.

Duan K., Sun G., Sun S., Caldwell P.V., Cohen E.C., McNulty S.G. et al., 2016. Divergence of ecosystem services in U.S. National Forests and Grasslands under a changing climate. Scientific Reports 6:24441.

Matyssek R., Wieser G., Calfapietra C., de Vries W., Dizengremel P., Ernst D., et al., 2012. Forests under Climate Change and Air Pollution: Gaps in Understanding and Future Directions for Research. Environmental Pollution 160: 57-65.   

McNulty S.G., Wiener S., Treasure E., Moore Myers J., Farahani H., Fouladbash L., Marshall D., Steele R., et al., 2015. Southeast Regional Climate Hub Assessment of Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies, T. Anderson, Ed., United States Department of Agriculture, 61 pp.

McNulty S.G., L. Boggs, J., Sun G., 2014. The rise of the mediocre forest: why chronically stressed trees may better survive extreme episodic climate variability. New Forests 45: 403-415.

Proietti C., Anav A., De Marco A., Sicard P., Vitale M., 2016. A multi-sites analysis on the ozone effects on Gross Primary Production of European forests. Science of the Total Environment 556: 1-11.

Segura C., Sun G., McNulty S.G., Zhang Y., 2014. Potential impacts of climate change on soil erosion vulnerability across the conterminous United States. J. Soil Water Conserv. 69: 171-181.

Sicard P, Augustaitis A., Belyazid S., Calfapietra C., De Marco A., Fenn M., Grulke N., He S., Matyssek R., Serengil Y., Wieser G., Paoletti E., 2016a.  Global topics and novel approaches in the study of air pollution, climate change and forest ecosystems. Environmental Pollution 213: 977-987.

Sicard P., Serra R., Rossello P., 2016b. Spatiotemporal trends of surface ozone concentrations and metrics in France. Environmental Research 149: 122-144.

Sicard P., De Marco A., Dalstein-Richier L., Tagliaferro F., Paoletti E., 2016c. An epidemiological assessment of stomatal ozone flux-based critical levels for visible ozone injury in Southern European forests. Science of the Total Environment 541: 729-741.

Sun S., Sun G., Cohen E., McNulty S.G., Caldwell P.V., Duan K., Zhang Y., 2016. Projecting water yield and ecosystem productivity across the United States by linking an ecohydrological model to WRF dynamically downscaled climate data, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 20: 935-952.

Sun G., Caldwell P.V., McNulty S.G., 2015. Modelling the potential role of forest thinning in maintaining water supplies under a changing climate across the conterminous United States.Hydrol. Process. 29: 5016-5030.

Vitale M., Proietti C., Cionni I., Fischer R., De Marco A., 2014. Random Forests Analysis: a Useful Tool for Defining the Relative Importance of Environmental Conditions on Crown Defoliation. Water Air and Soil Pollution 225:1992.

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