Occasional Papers


Occasional Paper No. 22 - Policies and Instruments for the Adaptation of Forests and the Forest Sector to Impacts of Climate Change as Indicated in United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change National Reports

This report has been created for the CPF Global Forest Expert Panel on Adaptation of Forests to Climate Change. The objective of this report is to determine the impacts and vulnerabilities of forests and the forest sector to climate change and if corresponding policies and instruments have been implemented to promote the adaptation of forests and the forest sector.

: Geoff Roberts
Supported by: IUFRO HQ
Published: 2008

ISSN 1024-414X
Copyright by IUFRO and the author

Download IUFRO Occasional Paper 22:
Policies and Instruments for the Adaptation of Forests and the Forest Sector to Impacts of Climate Change as Indicated in United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change National Reports

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