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Forestry Speed Dating: Extreme Wildfire Events – Webinar 2

From AI-driven wildfire detection to advanced firefighting solutions, cutting-edge technologies are transforming how we manage wildfires in Europe.

LookOut by Robotics Cats enhances existing surveillance systems by detecting early-stage wildfires through AI-powered image analysis. Unblur's IRIS Core centralises emergency response tools to support decision-making and team coordination. Wildflyer offers a wildfire intelligence application, providing suppression teams with easy-to-use fire forecasts and post-incident reports. The Hephaesnus Projectile Solution adds an innovative, eco-friendly approach to combating fires in hard-to-reach areas using biodegradable projectiles launched from fire trucks.

Date:  20 November 2024
Location:  online
Organizers:  EFI Bioregions Facility

Details:  https://bioregions.efi.int/our-work/forestry-speed-dating/forestry-speed-dating-4/#registration


Kohlenstoffbindung in Waldökosystemen und Holzprodukten

Vom 12.–14.03.2025 richten die Forstlichen Versuchs- und Forschungseinrichtungen des deutschsprachigen Raumes eine wissenschaftliche Tagung zur Kohlenstoffbindung in Waldökosystemen und Holzprodukten in Göttingen aus. Fragestellungen sind: Wie ist der Wissensstand, wo liegen die Grenzen und Möglichkeiten für den Klimaschutz?

Die Tagung fokussiert sich auf den derzeitigen Wissensstand hinsichtlich der Kohlenstoffdynamik in den Kompartimenten lebende Biomasse, Totholz, Boden und Holzprodukten europäischer Waldökosysteme und der entsprechenden Einflussfaktoren. Dazu zählen insbesondere der klimatische Wandel, Stoffeinträge, die Art der Bewirtschaftungsform sowie die Art und Weise der Holzverwendung. Neben neuen Erkenntnissen sind auch innovative Methoden und Ansätze zur Messung und Modellierung des Kohlenstoffkreislaufs von Wäldern von Interesse. Ferner sollen Zielkonflikte, Grenzen und Möglichkeiten des Klimaschutzes durch Waldökosysteme und die Forst- und Holzwirtschaft beleuchtet werden.

Organizers:  Forstliche Versuchs- und Forschungseinrichtungen des deutschsprachigen Raumes
Date:  12-14 March 2024
Location:  Göttingen, Germany

Details:  https://www.nw-fva.de/wir/veranstaltungen/kohlenstoff-tagung      


Webinar Series: Conserving Mature and Old-Growth Forests in a Changing Climate

There is broad agreement that protecting and managing forests is critical for meeting global climate mitigation and sustainable development goals. However, there is less agreement on how to determine what is 'best' management to reach these goals in the context of mature and old-growth forests (MOG). This webinar series invites a variety of speakers representing the United States Forest Service, Tribal nations, private forest owners, forest industry, academia, and forest advocacy organizations to share how they are responding to and shaping the discussion on mature and old-growth forests.

Date:  Every Thursday from August 29 to December 5 from 12:00 -12:55 pm U.S. ET. Note that there will not be webinars on September 19, October 17, and November 28.
Location:  online
Organizers:  The Forest School at the Yale School of the Environment and the Society of American Foresters

Details and Registration:  https://yse.to/fall2024yff


Agroforestry Innovation and Climate Entrepreneurship Summit

The Agroforestry Innovation and Climate Entrepreneurship (AFICE) Summit serves as a premium platform for individuals passionate about agroforestry and climate entrepreneurship. This event will bring together extraordinary minds and luminaries within the field to engage in thought-provoking discourse and valuable networking opportunities. This cutting-edge Summit fosters knowledge exchange, innovation, and collaboration among attendees, inspiring them to push the boundaries of agroforestry and climate entrepreneurship—a transformative pathway in sustainable agricultural and forestry practices.

The event encapsulates visionary keynotes, enlightening panel discussions and insightful case studies focused on bolstering holistic development within this agroforestry and climate spaces. With its avant-garde approach, the Agroforestry Innovation and Climate Entrepreneurship (AFICE) Summit attracts forward-thinking professionals and enthusiasts alike. Gaining tremendous traction locally and internationally, this Summit intends to create ripples of actionable change, inviting self-styled custodians of the earth's future to devise and discuss sustainable solutions to ecological and social challenges. Attendees will, undoubtedly, come away motivated to revolutionize agricultural and forestry systems and make significant strides towards combating climate change. Unleashing avenues for growth and exchange of groundbreaking ideas, this Summit is a magnet for proactive minds intrigued by the vast possibilities agroforestry and climate entrepreneurship present.

Date:  3-5 October 2024
Location:  Harare, Zimbabwe
Organizers:  Forestry & Citrus Research (FACIR)

Registration:  will close on 13 September 2024
Details:  https://www.facir.co.zw