University Courses, Summer Schools and Webinars


2025 Summer School on Ambrosia Symbiosis

Join the 2025 Summer School on Ambrosia Symbiosis!

Discover the fascinating world of ambrosia symbiosis in a 7-day immersive workshop packed with hands-on activities, lab exercises, and expert-led discussions where you will learn: - Hands-On Sampling & Isolation: Techniques for collecting and isolating ambrosia beetles and fungi; - Guided Analyses: Molecular barcoding, data interpretation, and ecological analysis; - Theory: Experiment design, biosecurity issues, and publishing strategies.
Lecturers Include:  Dr. Jiri Hulcr, Dr. Matt E. Smith, Dr. Andrew Johnson, Miranda Barnes, Alora Richardson, and Katy Deitz.

Date:  14-20 May 2025
Location:  University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
Organizers:  Forest Entomology Lab, UF/IFAS School of Forest, Fisheries, & Geomatics Sciences
Contact:  ForestEntomology(at)



Embrapa's First Online Training in English on Sustainable Forest Management

Embrapa has just released its first online training in English, entitled "Forest Management, species by species". With free access via the e-Campo platform, the English-language version of the course is intended to provide training for technicians, students, and legislators, broadening the reach of this topic among international audiences. According to Evaldo Muñoz Braz, a researcher at Embrapa Forestry and instructor of the course, "many countries manage natural forests and are interested in new management protocols to ensure the economic, social and environmental sustainability of their forests."

The course is structured into four modules totaling 8 hours: - Forest Management Legislation (concepts and legislation); - Misinterpretations; - Growth; and - Procedures and Variables for Management by Species. All the modules include video classes, a workbook, and an evaluation of the content learned. Participants who score an average of 70% or more earn a certificate, which is issued through the platform.


E-Learning Course on Gender and inclusion in Forest Landscape Restoration

This course, developed by gender experts, compiles research, case studies and practical recommendations from leading institutions engaged in forest landscape restoration. In this self-paced online course, you will learn the fundamentals of gender and social inclusion in forest landscapes restoration (FLR). The course focuses on gender inequalities, gender-differentiated impacts and opportunities to address inequalities for more equitable and sustainable FLR, to build the abilities and understanding of diverse stakeholders on the gender and FLR nexus.

Date:  self-paced
Location:  online
Organizers:  Forests, Trees and Agroforestry

Details at: 