Capacity Building
IUFRO-SPDC Has a New Name!
IUFRO-SPDC has a new name and is now called "Special Programme for Development of Capacities"."Special Programme for Development of Capacities".
Global economic development over the past decades has brought significant changes. The world of today can no longer be rigidly divided into rich and poor countries. With the EU expanding into Eastern Europe, many countries in that region do not qualify for SPDC support anymore. Likewise, many previously developing countries have become emerging economies. Still, their forest research often remains under-resourced .
As a consequence the term "developing countries" has ceased to sufficiently describe our target audience and the name of SPDC has thus been changed from "Special Programme for Developing Countries" to "Special Programme for Development of Capacities", leaving its well-known acronym - SPDC - the same.
The new name has been launched at IUFROLAT 2013 and should be fully established throughout the IUFRO network at the IUFRO World Congress 2014.
Find more information about IUFRO-SPDC at