Global Landscapes Forum Paris 2015

IUFRO at the Global Landscapes Forum Paris

5-6 December 2015, Paris, France

As world leaders convene in 2015 to agree on Sustainable Development Goals and a new climate deal, the Forum will leverage this historic opportunity to shape the world’s development agenda for decades to come. Over the past two years, the Global Landscapes Forum has evolved into the world’s leading platform for discussing land-use issues. In Paris, the Forum will bring together 2,500 stakeholders from across sectors, including forestry, agriculture, water, energy, law and finance.

The Forum is organized by a cross-sectoral consortium of leading international organizations. Over 100 organizations from across the globe will host Discussion Forums, Launchpads, LandscapesLabs and be part of a Thematic pavillion.

The 2015 Global Landscapes Forum is the leading platform for bringing together individuals and organizations that have an impact on land use. The event is expected to be the largest meeting on the sidelines of the UNFCCC COP21.

IUFRO is (co-)organizer of several events at the GLF.


  • OUTCOME STATEMENT: Six key messages, with practical examples, to guide implementation for impact on the ground.
  • HIGHLIGHTS VIDEO: Relive the most dynamic Global Landscapes Forum ever – 1.5 days in 3.5 minutes.
  • VIDEO COLLECTION: Watch videos of sessions, speeches and interviews here.
  • PRESENTATIONS ARCHIVE: Explore the sets of slides prepared by expert panelists.
  • PHOTOS: Images from the podium to the pavilions and everywhere in between.

Events with IUFRO Involvement

Global Landscapes Forum (GLF)United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Saturday, 5 December 
Sunday, 6 December    
Monday, 30 November

GFL: Day 1 – Saturday, 5 December   

15.30 - 17.00Discussion Forum
Managing and restoring natural tropical forests:
Ensuring a sustainable flow of benefits for people in the context of global change

Interview with Plinio Sist

China Pavilion
Workshop on Promoting Green Carbon Cities to Combat Climate Change
Speaker: John Innes

GFL: Day 2 - Sunday, 6 December 2015
Thematic Pavilion on Nature and Climate Change
Booth D24, Niveau 2 - Hall Maillot, Palais des Congrès de Paris - open from 7:30-21:00

Overview of IUFRO activies during Thematic Pavillion - Overview of all activities during Thematic Pavillion 


Meet the authors of the newly launched publication on "Forests and Food: Addressing Hunger and Nutrition Across Sustainable Landscapes", to learn and discuss about the potential of forests to reduce global hunger and malnutrition.

Invitation Card
Press Release

13:55-14:40 Bioenergy in the Landscape - Expert Exchange
with representatives from ICRAF, IUFRO, ITTO, and SNV
Promode Kant, Director, Institute of Green Economy, India, and co-author of IUFRO‘s new book on Forest Landscape Restoration (see below), will represent IUFRO and focus on "Integrating bioenergy production in tropical forest landscape management of densely populated developing countries".

15:45-16:30Climate Smart Landscapes: Key Ingredients for Impact at Scale
with representatives from AFOLU/LEDS, ICRAF, IUFRO and SNV
Bhaskar Vira, Director, University of Cambridge Conservation Research Institute, and Chair of the IUFRO-led Global Expert Panel on Forests and Food Security, will represent IUFRO and focus on "Multi-functional Landscapes for Conservation and Food Security".

Session Flyer
16:30-17:00Launch of the new book on "Forest Landscape Restoration as a Key Component of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation" published by IUFRO and presentations by authors and donor representative Horst Freiberg, German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature, Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety.

Invitation Card
Book Cover

17:30-18:15 Tackling Complexity in Forest and Landscape Restoration – a Best Practices Sharing Session
with representatives from AFOLU, FAS, IUFRO, WRI/ITTO, and WHRC
John Stanturf, US Forest Service, Southern Research Station, and IUFRO Officeholder will represent IUFRO and focus on the "Contribution of Forest Landscape Restoration to Climate Change" on the basis of IUFRO‘s newly launched publication on forest landscape restoration (see above), of which he is the lead author.

Session Flyer

UNFCCC: Monday, 30 November 2015

Observer rm 03

Side Event
China's Forestry Actions & Creative Risk Management Methods for Climate Change
Speaker: John Innes
