The International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) has implemented a component of “Inspire, Support and Mobilize FLR” a four-year project aimed to combat land degradation with the goal of initiating at least 10 million ha of restoration in 5 countries by 2017 as a contribution to The Bonn Challenge.  The four-year projec - funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) - is led by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and involves a number of partners including the Global Partnership on Forest Landscape Restoration (GPFLR), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Wageningen University (WUR) and IUFRO.

The Role of IUFRO

IUFRO, as one of the partners in the project, is responsible for providing scientific information, knowledge and expertise on ecological, social and economic aspects of forest landscape restoration. More specifically, forest scientists working in relevant IUFRO units have formed expert groups to elaborate scientific reports on specific landscape restoration case studies to be used by other project partners for promoting landscape restoration activities, and facilitated dissemination of information and awareness creation among national and local stakeholders through publications, capacity development, and international knowledge-sharing workshops.

IUFRO scientists “Inspire, Support, and Mobilize FLR”

IUFRO scientists engage in the project by participating in IUFRO units, expert groups, trainings, and international knowledge-sharing workshops. From early career scientists and project managers to leading experts, IUFRO’s vast network of forest scientists is at the core of ongoing international FLR knowledge-sharing and capacity development. By continuously learning and adapting, working across landscapes, promoting engagement and negotiation among stakeholders, and actively collaborating, forest scientists from all levels are inspiring, supporting, and mobilizing FLR. Detailed information on IUFRO’s relevant expert groups and activities are provided at the following locations:



Capacity development

  • Training Workshop on Science-Policy Interactions: Making Science Work for Forest Landscape Restoration  in Freiburg, Germany, Sept. 2017
  • IUFRO Expert Workshop on Ecosystem Services and Natural Hazards of Mountain Forests in Central Asia; Baktuu-Dolonotu, Kyrgyzstan; 18-21 July 2016.  Report
  • Expert Workshop on Restoration and Adaptation of Mountain Forests in Central and Northeast Asia; Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan; 19-22 October 2015. Units involved: 1.06.00, 1.01.05, Task Force on Adaptation and Restoration under Global Change.  Workshop announcement Report  - Book of Abstracts 
  • Expert Workshop on Ecology and Restoration of Central and Northeast Asian Forests; Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia; 10-12 September 2014. Units involved: 1.01.00, 106.00. Contact: John Stanturf

Case studies

In the course of the “FLR Inspire, Support, and Mobilize Project”, several case studies were elaborated by individuals who have been deeply involved over many years in FLR activities at national and subnational levels. These case studies presented here are available for download and offer real-life examples of FLR on the ground. In each case, emphasis in the descriptions is placed on the contribution of restoring degraded forests and landscapes towards climate change mitigation and adaptation.