Global Landscapes Forum Bonn 2017

IUFRO at the Global Landscapes Forum 2017

Bonn, Germany, 19 and 20 December 2017
World Conference Center, Platz der Vereinten Nationen 2 

IUFRO will co-host two discussion forums and share a booth with partner organizations at the Restoration Pavilion throughout the event.

Tuesday, 19 December; 14:00-15:30  -  Wednesday, 20 December; 11:00-12:30  -  GPFLR Pavilion Booth 2: FLR Capacity Building

Tuesday, 19 December - 14:00-15:30

'Rainfall Recycling' as a Landscape Function:
Connecting SDGs 6, 13 and 15

Discussion Forum:
Organized by CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA),
International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)

New research suggests that vegetation plays a critical role in the frequency and intensity of rainfall. This discussion forum will explore the implications on the many areas affected by these effects - land restoration, water management and climate change adaptation - toward an integrated approach for land/water and climate for the SDGs.

All about the session:

Session flyer

CGIAR-FTA Session landing page

Link to GLF agenda

General Presentation on GFEP and the Forests-and-Water Panel

Precipitation and its relation to vegetation - CIFOR Forest News

Blog post about session on the IUFRO Blog

Wednesday, 20 December - 11:00-12:30

Building capacities for the restoration of tropical forest landscapes and the enhancement of their ecosystem goods and services

Discussion Forum:
Organized by the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), the
International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), and the
Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)

Forest landscape restoration (FLR) can deliver long-term, large-scale benefits only when national and sub-national FLR practitioners are equipped with the capacities to plan and facilitate economically viable FLR projects in specific local contexts. This session will focus on indispensable capacities for implementing FLR in complex socio-ecological and socio-political environments and place special emphasis on the productive capacities of tropical landscapes.

All about the session:

Session flyer

Link to GLF agenda

Recorded livestream

IUFRO publications on forest landscape restoration:

Implementing Forest Landscape Restoration – A Practitioner's Guide (2017) 

Forest Landscape Restoration as a Key Component of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation (2015)
By John A. Stanturf, Promode Kant, Jens-Peter Barnekow Lillesø, Stephanie Mansourian, Michael Kleine, Lars Graudal, Palle Madsen: 

Restoring Forest Landscapes: A "Win-Win" for People, Nature, and Climate (Policy Brief, 2016)  

GPFLR Pavilion Booth 2: FLR Capacity Building

Global Partnership on Forest and Landscape Restoration (GPFLR)

Changing minds, changing landscapes.

Changing minds, changing landscapes. Brought together by a common interest in capacity building, training, and education for forest and landscape restoration (FLR), CIFOR, Commonland, IUFRO, RAIN/Aidenvironment, Wageningen University and Research (WUR), and the von Thünen Institut are partnering in this booth with the objective of sharing capacity building resources including educational material, experiences and key training modules for the successful implementation of FLR.

These partners will present case studies from international participants of the pre-GLF "Think Landscapes" course (WUR), results of a global survey on extracurricular training on FLR (CIFOR), and ENABLE, the European Network for the Advancement of Business and Landscape Education featuring curriculum development, MOOCs, cases, and experiential learning (Commonland).

Additionally, members of the IUFRO Task Force on Forest Adaptation and Restoration under Global Change will discuss successes and failures of Adaptive Forest Management (AFM) and FLR, with case studies from Asia and Africa, as well as a new publication "Forest Landscape Restoration: A Practitioner's Guide" (IUFRO/von Thünen). RAIN/Aidenvironment will showcase SPONGE city Landscape Restoration in Kenya. Visitors to the booth will be invited to participate in a restoration and adaptation survey, capacity building brainstorming, and in creating a great space for discussion and exchange.

Visitors to the booth will be invited to participate in a restoration and adaptation survey, capacity building brainstorming, and in creating a great space for discussion and exchange.

Restoration Pavilion Programme

About recent forest and landscape restoration activities in IUFRO:

IUFRO Task Force on Forest Adaptation and Restoration under Global Change:

International FLR knowledge-sharing workshops in Rwanda and El Salvador:

International Conference on Forest Landscape Restoration under Global Change in Puerto Rico (2017):

Related IUFRO Publications:

Also available at the GLF booth:

About the Global Partnership on Forest and Landscape Restoration (GPFLR)

Partners at the GPFLR Pavilion Booth