Officeholder Information and Consent Form
Dear Incoming IUFRO Officeholder:
Welcome to IUFRO and its more than 250 scientific units!
It is one of the statutory duties of IUFRO Headquarters to keep records of all officeholders for administrative and networking purposes as well as for the maintenance of the IUFRO website which provides all scientific units in IUFRO (Divisions, Research Groups, Working Parties, Task Forces, Special Programmes and Projects and IUFRO-led Initiatives) with individual webpages. On these webpages, IUFRO also lists the names, address information and expertise of the scientists coordinating these scientific units.
Due to the European General Data Protection Regulation, IUFRO needs to collect your data directly from yourself; in addition, your consent is needed in order for IUFRO to be allowed to store your data in the IUFRO database.
You are therefore requested to complete the form below. Read how your data is used in this document: PDF for download.
For an example how your data is used, please visit
Fields marked * need to be filled.
Thank you for your time and support!
IUFRO Headquarters
Please note that fields marked * are mandatory fields.