Communicating Forest Science
This manual was written to help scientists and professional communicators in their communication efforts with people outside of the scientific community, but may also be helpful to research administrators as they consider improvements in the communications of their organizations.
It provides concepts, approaches, and methods in the field of communications, starting with a quick overview of the social science behind communications. “Considerations for Success” were developed to be a quick reference. “Success Stories” give an understanding of how people from around the world approach challenges in communication amid very different contexts and circumstances.
Communicating Forest Science, Editors: Cynthia L. Miner, Yasmeen Sands, Hugo Pierre;
IUFRO Communications & Public Relations Working Party and the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), Special Programme for Development of Capacities (IUFRO-SPDC).
Vienna, Austria. 2014, 185 p.
Download the electronic version of the Manual (in pdf format).