United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF)
IUFRO is an observer organization in UNFF. Moreover, as a member of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF), IUFRO actively supports the work of UNFF and its Member States through a number of joint initiatives and activities.
IUFRO provides direct thematic contributions to UNFF sessions. IUFRO has prepared official background documents for UNFF sessions on forest-related scientific knowledge; scientists from IUFRO's network have presented on key scientific issues during the UNFF plenary sessions and IUFRO-organized side events.
In 2015, the Global Forest Expert Panels (GFEP) initiative launched an assessment report and accompanied "policy brief" on forests, food security and nutrition at UNFF-11 in New York. In 2018 at UNFF-13, a Coordinating Lead Author of a chapter of the GFEP assessment report on Forests and Water was tasked to develop a background analytical study on SDG 6 and SDG 15. The study was based on the GFEP assessment report, launched at the HLPF 2018. The co-chair of the assessment was invited to present on the Panel at UNFF-13 plenary, and the coordinator of IUFRO's special project World Forests, Society and Environment (IUFRO-WFSE) presented the project's work during Panel on SDG 8.
Joint activities:
- For UNFF-16 in 2021, the UNFF Secretariat contracted two IUFRO officeholders to prepare background studies for the session. F-N. Robinne led the drafting of the background paper on the impacts of disasters on forests, in particular forest fires. J. Stanturf was lead author of the assessment of COVID-19 impacts on Sustainable Forest Management in Canada and USA.
- IUFRO submitted input on the CPF Joint Initiatives to the UNFF-16 background document.
- IUFRO delegation to the virtual UNFF-16 (26-29 April 2021) was led by IUFRO President J. Parrotta and involved 6 members (S. Linser; C. Wildburger; A. Purret; N. Grima and D. Devkota).
- IUFRO President J. Parrotta delivered two statements: a) at the High-Level Roundtable on Major Forest-related Developments; and b) during Panel on 27 April, highlighting the role of IUFRO as an active member of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests.
- Officeholder S. Linser was invited to a Panel to present an overview of research and development of forest-related indicators for SFM.
- GFEP side event on Forests, Trees and Eradication of Poverty: A GFEP Global Assessment Report was based on the GFEP assessment on Forests and Poverty (SDG 15 and SDG 1), informing participants about key messages of the report. Recording.
- IUFRO President J. Parrotta was invited to speak in a Panel during another side event organized by the World Forestry Congress Secretariat of Korea Forest Service and FAO.
- For UNFF-14 in 2019, the UNFF Secretariat invited two IUFRO officeholders – M. Gabay and M. Rekola to undertake background analytical study on SDG 4, 10 and 16, presented at UNFF-14.
- The Coordinator of the IUFRO Special Programme World Forests, Society and Environment (IUFRO-WFSE) was invited to serve as a Panelist at a UNFF-14 session. She presented the main findings of the WFSE assessment on the impacts of SDG implementation on forests and people, launched at the XXV IUFRO World Congress in Curitiba in autumn 2019.
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