Scientific Summaries


Scientific Summary 116 in IUFRO News Vol. 43, Issue 1, January 2014

The 2013 Workshop on Decision Support Systems and the ForestDSS Community of Practice presented research and development of decision support systems for sustainable forest management and policy advice.

The ForestDSS 2013 Workshop on Decision Support Systems and the first physical meeting of the ForestDSS Community of Practice took place on December 4-6, 2013 in Lisbon, Portugal. It was sponsored by IUFRO Unit 4.04.04, and its program encompassed one seminar with presentations focusing on topics such as: architecture and implementation; models and methods; knowledge management techniques in DSS; the participatory processes to be supported by DSS; the innovative dissemination of DSS descriptions, case-studies and lessons learned by a Wiki semantic structure.

Download the full Scientific Summary:

Research and Development of Decision Support Systems for Sustainable Forest Management and Policy Advice

By José G. Borges (Coordinator of IUFRO Unit 4.04.04 and Chair of the Conference Organizing Committee), Luis Mira (Member of the Conference Organizing Committee), Ljusk-Ola Eriksson (Member of the Conference Scientific Committee) and Harald Vacik (Deputy Chair of IUFRO Unit 4.03.03 and Chair of the Decision Support System Community of Practice)

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