Scientific Summaries


Scientific Summary No. 32, 2007

The Int'l Mountain Logging and 13th Pacific Northwest Skyline Symposium focused on sustainable management including social aspects and new technologies in mountain forest harvesting.

Sustainable Approaches for Mountain Forest Harvesting

Mountain forests are valuable resources providing wood, water, and wildlife habitat, a wide variety of non-timber products, recreation and scenic quality.  Meeting society's demands for wood products while maintaining and enhancing those scenic, protective and productive values requires skillful application of forest engineering operations and management knowledge.

The International Mountain Logging and 13th Pacific Northwest Skyline Symposium held in Corvallis, Oregon, USA from 1-6 April 2007, was co-sponsored by IUFRO Research Group 3.01.00 and focused on sustainable approaches for mountain forest harvesting including technical, economic, environmental, and social issues with harvest planning, forest road management, and logging operations.

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