Scientific Summaries


Scientific Summary 136 in IUFRO News Vol. 45, Issue 4, April 2016

International IUFRO Division 2 conference "Forest Genetics for Productivity – the Next Generation" in Rotorua, New Zealand. presented a wide range of topics relevant to modern tree breeding.

The conference held in March 2016 was hosted by Scion and brought together one hundred and nine delegates from 17 countries. It was great to see the participation of the Australian and New Zealand forestry sector and scientists as part of the aligned Australasian Forestry Breeding Conference as well.

Research topics for the conference were:

  • Breeding productive and resilient forests
  • Finding the synergies in genotype, environment and silviculture
  • Genomics and phenomics

Forest genetics has now reached a time when advances in genomics and remote sensing have become accessible to practitioners. The opportunities are enormous. Experts in their fields were invited to talk to show the challenges and future, and focus on issues that we need to think about.

Download the full Scientific Summary:

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