
IUFRO Announcements


IUFRO-Japan News No. 135

Read the latest issue of IUFRO-Japan News and learn more about the IUFRO World Congress to be held on 23-29 June 2024 in Stockholm, Sweden, IUFRO Research Group 3.08.00 and many other interesting things.

The IUFRO-Japan (IUFRO-J) Committee, is an organization launched in 1970 to promote global and domestic partnerships in forest-related research; it cooperates with IUFRO Headquarters.

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Other Announcements


United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030

The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration is a rallying call for the protection and revival of ecosystems all around the world, for the benefit of people and nature. It aims to halt the degradation of ecosystems, and restore them to achieve global goals. Only with healthy ecosystems can we enhance people’s livelihoods, counteract climate change, and stop the collapse of biodiversity. The UN Decade runs from 2021 through 2030, which is also the deadline for the Sustainable Development Goals and the timeline scientists have identified as the last chance to prevent catastrophic climate change. Led by the United Nations Environment Programme and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, The UN Decade is building a strong, broad-based global movement to ramp up restoration and put the world on track for a sustainable future. That will include building political momentum for restoration as well as thousands of initiatives on the ground. Through communications, events and a dedicated web platform, the UN Decade will provide a hub for everyone interested in restoration to find projects, partners, funding and the knowledge they need to make their restoration efforts a success.

Find out how you can take part in the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration:



IUFRO News Vol. 53, Issue 9, early October 2024

Read a report from the 10th Pacific Regional Wood Anatomy Conference (PRWAC) in Japan, learn about latest activities of TEAMING UP 4 FORESTS, the Global Forest Expert Panel on Forests for Social and Economic Resilience, and more…

The 10th PRWAC, an international meeting organized by members of the Pacific regional group of the International Association of Wood Anatomists (IAWA), was held in Japan and involved IUFRO Division 5, Research Group 5.16.00 and the IUFRO-Japan Committee. The conference arranged three themed sessions focusing on highly topical issues in wood anatomy and wood science.

Carola Egger and Maja Radosavljevic, Partnership Managers of the TEAMING UP 4 FORESTS (TU4F) science-business platform, represented the platform at the Cepi Bioeconomy LAB in Brussels, Belgium, on 24 September 2024. Carola Egger also presented findings of a major synthesis study report "Europe's wood supply in disruptive times" and related business brief published by IUFRO earlier in 2024.

The Global Forest Expert Panel on Forests for Social and Economic Resilience is comprehensively assessing the available scientific information on the subject to be feed into current and upcoming global discussions and platforms to support integrated, holistic, and effective policy responses. It is chaired by Prof. Craig Allen (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA), and comprises 14 leading scientists.

To read the full text please choose among the PDF and Word options:

Non-IUFRO Publications


The Forest Factor

The role of protection, restoration and sustainable management of forests for the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework

Forests are a crucial element in most of the targets of the Global Biodiversity Framework. The Collaborative Partnership on Forests is a strong ally and advocate for countries to implement those forest-related targets. It is using its convening power to heighten the political commitment and scale up on-the-ground actions by facilitating cross-sectoral collaboration, supporting improved, coherent policy responses, and further integrating forest actions into relevant development plans and strategies.

The purpose of this report, developed in partnership with members of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests, is to highlight the role of the conservation of forest biodiversity and sustainable forest management (SFM) in achieving the goals and targets of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF). The report i) discusses the threats to forest biodiversity relative to recent global and regional trends and data on the conservation, restoration and sustainable management of forests and ii) identifies pathways (policies and recommended actions) to improve the implementation of the KMGBF in forests. It summarizes key analytical information and data and suggests recommendations for various stakeholders to: (i) assist governments to main- stream or update forest-related policies and commitments as planned in their National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs), (ii) assist organizations and businesses to align their policies and practices with the KMGBF to reduce impacts on biodiversity, and (iii) pro- vides increased understanding of the relationship between sustaining biodiversity and the associated goods and ser-vices from forests.

© 2024, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity.

Available for download at:

Position Announcements


Forest Program Administrator // closing date not indicated

Join the historic Forest School at the Yale School of the Environment as a Forestry Program Administrator. The School is celebrating its 125th anniversary of conserving and managing forests and is looking for a motivated and detail-oriented administrator to coordinate and develop budgets, oversee event management, and administer day-to-day operations. The position is split between 1) The Forest School and its integrated events hub the Yale Forest Forum and 2) The Forests Dialogue, a program at the School providing a multistakeholder dialogue platform for international leaders in the forest sector. The position is hybrid, based in New Haven, CT, and will play an integral role in supporting our education and leadership on forestry worldwide.

Institutions:  The Forest School at the Yale School of the Environment | The Forests Dialogue, Yale University
Duty station:  New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Closing Date:  not indicated


IUFRO Meetings


International Conference: The Forests Factor - More nature to fight climate change, and the role of protected areas

The international conference "The Forest factor" was held in Rome, Italy, on 6 and 7 June 2023, at the Roma Tre University, with the aim of placing the emphasis on the protection of forests, as an essential element in the fight against climate change, and on their vital importance for biodiversity, the carbon, water and energy cycles on a planetary scale.

Other Meetings/Events


Kohlenstoffbindung in Waldökosystemen und Holzprodukten

Vom 12.–14.03.2025 richten die Forstlichen Versuchs- und Forschungseinrichtungen des deutschsprachigen Raumes eine wissenschaftliche Tagung zur Kohlenstoffbindung in Waldökosystemen und Holzprodukten in Göttingen aus. Fragestellungen sind: Wie ist der Wissensstand, wo liegen die Grenzen und Möglichkeiten für den Klimaschutz?

Die Tagung fokussiert sich auf den derzeitigen Wissensstand hinsichtlich der Kohlenstoffdynamik in den Kompartimenten lebende Biomasse, Totholz, Boden und Holzprodukten europäischer Waldökosysteme und der entsprechenden Einflussfaktoren. Dazu zählen insbesondere der klimatische Wandel, Stoffeinträge, die Art der Bewirtschaftungsform sowie die Art und Weise der Holzverwendung. Neben neuen Erkenntnissen sind auch innovative Methoden und Ansätze zur Messung und Modellierung des Kohlenstoffkreislaufs von Wäldern von Interesse. Ferner sollen Zielkonflikte, Grenzen und Möglichkeiten des Klimaschutzes durch Waldökosysteme und die Forst- und Holzwirtschaft beleuchtet werden.

Organizers:  Forstliche Versuchs- und Forschungseinrichtungen des deutschsprachigen Raumes
Date:  12-14 March 2024
Location:  Göttingen, Germany


University Courses, Summer Schools and Webinars


E-Learning Course on Gender and inclusion in Forest Landscape Restoration

This course, developed by gender experts, compiles research, case studies and practical recommendations from leading institutions engaged in forest landscape restoration. In this self-paced online course, you will learn the fundamentals of gender and social inclusion in forest landscapes restoration (FLR). The course focuses on gender inequalities, gender-differentiated impacts and opportunities to address inequalities for more equitable and sustainable FLR, to build the abilities and understanding of diverse stakeholders on the gender and FLR nexus.

Date:  self-paced
Location:  online
Organizers:  Forests, Trees and Agroforestry

Details at: 

Fellowships/Scholarships/Research Funding


Gund PhD Research Fellowships // 5 January 2025

The Gund Institute for Environment at the University of Vermont (UVM) currently seeks exceptional PhD applicants to join the university to conduct interdisciplinary research on global environmental challenges beginning in the fall 2025 semester. Applications are due January 5, 2025.

Driven by the belief that research should inspire action, we explore environmental issues at the interface of five pressing research themes—climate solutions, health and well-being, sustainable agriculture, resilient communities, and equity and justice—in partnership with government, industry, and broader society.

Students will receive up to four years of funding, including an annual stipend of $35,000, plus tuition. All students are eligible for health insurance and additional funds for conference travel and research costs.

Institution:  Gund Institute for Environment, University of Vermont (UVM)
Closing date:  5 January 2025


Fellowship Programs


Abdou-Salam Ouédraogo Fellowship

Bioversity International established the Abdou-Salam Ouédraogo Fellowship for research on conservation and use of forest genetic resources in sub-Saharan Africa  to honour the memory and celebrate the work of Dr Abdou-Salam Ouédraogo. The Fellowship is awarded annually to a scientist from a university or national research institute in sub-Saharan Africa, with support from the CGIAR Research Program for Forests, Trees and Agroforestry. For more information, please visit:


IUFRO Awards

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Non-IUFRO Awards

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