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Membership of IUFRO is open to any institution concerned with the promotion, support or conduct of research related to forests, trees and forest products.
The Department of Forest Ecology and Management of the Faculty of Forest Sciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) is inviting applications for the position
The Observatory for Forests and Just Transitions is a £1.3 million research programme, funded by the Ford Foundation. The Observatory will study the role land
Find all details about the international conference "Influence of Air Pollution and Climate Change on Forest Dynamics", to be held in Split, Croatia, on 1-5
Enjoy the first issue of IUFRO News in the new format, experience the fresh look of the IUFRO website, learn about our DEI activities, listen
Find out about IUFRO activities at the Climate COP in Baku and the Biodiversity COP in Cali. Learn about the latest Teaming up 4 Forests
Read up on international oak and beech research, modern silviculture and forest engineering, nondestructive testing of wood, operational research for wildfire management, training for Ukrainian
New policy paper published by WoodPoP; new webinar on forest management and climate change hosted by TEAMING UP 4 FORESTS; new series of IUFRO Podcast
Learn about the updated global teak resources assessment and a new study on assisted migration to combat climate change! Read about COFO 27 and IUFRO
This issue of the German newsletter has focus on the IUFRO World Congress in Stockholm, presenting the new IUFRO President, highlighting participation from German-speaking countries,
Exploring Forest Physiology and Genetics: A Conversation with IUFRO Division 2In the latest episode of Branching Out: the Forest Podcast, host Jose Bolaños (IUFRO HQ)
New IUFRO podcast season kicks off with the topic of silviculture.In the new season of Branching out: the forest podcast, host Jose Bolaños, together with various
In our season finale, we talked with Daniela Kleinschmit, professor of forest and environmental policy at the University of Freiburg, Germany, and incoming President of
Joint efforts and far-sighted decisions are crucial to make the world’s forests more resilient and ensure a sustainable future, the Stockholm Congress Statement stresses.International and
From 23-29 June 2024, Stockholm, Sweden, will be the global hub of forest research and knowledge exchange.With over 4,000 participants from 115 countries, the 26th
Press releases in English, German and Spanish below Rising sense of crisis over climate change has caused the ‘climatization’ of forests that diminishes their value as
A compilation of information and material about the IUFRO World Congress 2024
Useful information and material about IUFRO for media
IUFRO activities and achievements in the last year
Our brochure informs interested audiences about IUFRO
History of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations 1892–2017