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Dr Santiago C. González-Martínez has a PhD in Forest Genetics (Polytechnic University of Madrid, 2001). He works as Research Director at INRAE-BIOGECO, Bordeaux (France). At BIOGECO he co-leads the ‘Evolution in Forest Systems, E4E’ team, involving c. 30 members. After a long international career at Institute of Evolutionary Science (Montpellier, France), University of California (Davis, USA), University of Lausanne (Switzerland) and Institute of Forest Science (Madrid, Spain), he currently develops a broad research line on ecological genetics and genomics of plant local adaptation.
He has published over 150 scientific papers (over 10,500 citations), coordinated 16 research projects at national, European and international level, and supervised 10 PhD students in Spain and France, all in the field of forest and evolutionary genetics. Apart from serving as co-coordinator of IUFRO’s Division 2 (Physiology & Genetics), he currently leads the EU Horizon Europe OptFORESTS project (www.optforests.eu) and the EVOLTREE European Research Group (www.evoltree.eu).