Scientific Summaries


Scientific Summary No. 40, 2008

A multidisciplinary review on "Adaptations of Forests to Climate Change" has been published as IUFRO Occasional Paper 21.

Over the past decade several reports have been produced that deal with the possible threats to forest environments in different parts of the world. At the same time, multidisciplinary reviews addressing adaptations of forests to climate change are rare. A multidisciplinary review on "Adaptations of Forests to Climate Change" has now been published as IUFRO Occasional Paper 21. It briefly summarizes the pertinent points of existing scientific papers and reports, and provides further details and references more closely aligned with the topic of adaptation of forests to climate change. It also extends prior reviews by combining the physical science review with discussion of economic and social impacts.

To read the full text please follow the link:

Adaptations of Forests to Climate Change: A Multidisciplinary Review

By Chris Eastaugh, B Eng. (hons), Grad Cert Nat Res St.

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