Scientific Summaries
Scientific Summary No. 52, 2009
Quantitative and molecular genetics, resistance to diseases and pests, hybridization, selection and improvement, genecology and conservation genetics in all five-needle pines are highlighted.For the first time a Working Party 2.02.15 'The Breeding and Genetic Resources of Five-Needle Pines' Conference was held in East Asia, namely in Yangyang, Korea, 22-26 September 2008. The conference highlighted work related to quantitative and molecular genetics, resistance to diseases and pests, hybridization, selection and improvement, genecology and conservation genetics in all five-needle pines. Underlying this work is the threat that this species group faces from climate change and disease, especially white pine blister rust. A commitment to international cooperation and coordination in understanding and helping control the pathogen that causes white pine blister rust was made.
Download the full IUFRO Scientific Summary:
5- Needle Pine Research – Restoration of Key Species
(Report from the Working Party 2.02.15)
by JN King, R Sniezko and EW Noh
- Files:
- scicsumm52-needle-pine.pdf1.76 Mi