Scientific Summaries


Scientific Summary No. 60, 2009

A workshop on forestry utilization in Mediterranean countries focused on forest management and operations under Mediterranean conditions and constraints, especially under mountainous conditions.

At the IUFRO 3.06.00 "Workshop on forestry utilization in Mediterranean countries with particular respect to sloping areas" held from June 17-19, 2009 in Reggio Calabria, Italy in the frame of the 33rd CIOSTA CIGR Conference 2009, participants looked at the forest-related, social and economic characteristics of the Mediterranean region and at how they affect the forest management and the forest utilization systems. A coordinated approach throughout the Mediterranean basin is needed to develop reliable information and tools based on sound science in order to improve forest management and utilization.

Download the full IUFRO Scientific Summary:

Towards Coordinated Forest Management and Utilization in the Mediterranean Region

By Raffaele Cavalli (, Deputy Coordinator of IUFRO Unit 3.06.00 – Forest operations under mountainous conditions

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