Scientific Summaries


Scientific Summary No. 67, 2010

The meeting "Global Change and Mediterranean Pines: Alternatives for Management" that took place from 10 to 12 February 2010 in Palencia, Spain, focussed on climate change, its potential effects and adaptive solutions.

Mediterranean pine forests play an important economic role on the local and regional levels. They provide timber and non-wood products as well as non-paid benefits, such as the uptake and storage of CO2. However, threats such as fire, drought and water stress might put the valuable legacy associated to these forest resources at risk. Seed production and seedling establishment for naturally regenerated pine stands may already be endangered for some of the Mediterranean species. Against this background, an IUFRO meeting on "Global Change and Mediterranean Pines: Alternatives for Management" was convened from 10 to 12 February 2010 in Palencia, Spain, and focussed on climate change, its potential effects and adaptive solutions.


Download the full IUFRO Scientific Summary:

Mediterranean Pines under a Global Change Scenario:
Threats and Adaptive Solutions

By Teresa Fonseca and Felipe Bravo, IUFRO Working Party 1.01.10

scicsumm67-med-pines.pdf82 Ki