Scientific Summaries


Scientific Summary No. 79, 2011

Read about the recent symposium on "Short Rotation Forestry: Synergies for Wood Production and Environmental Amelioration" and the IUFRO-SPDC science-policy training workshop in Ludhiana, India.

Considering the significance and growing interest among researchers and development workers around the world in short rotation forestry, and against the background of the International Year of Forestry, the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Punjab Agriculture University, organized an IUFRO symposium on "Short Rotation Forestry: Synergies for Wood Production and Environmental Amelioration". The event, sponsored by BENWOOD, European Commission, took place from 10-12 February 2011, in Ludhiana, India. IUFRO-SPDC, in cooperation with PAU and BENWOOD, held a post-symposium training workshop on science-policy-interfacing from 13-14 February 2011. This workshop was open for participants of the Symposium.


Download the full IUFRO Scientific Summary:

Short Rotation Forestry: Synergies for Wood Production and Environmental Amelioration

By Sanjeev Kumar Chauhan, Coordinator IUFRO 1.03.00

scicsumm79-short-rotation-forestry.pdf254 Ki