Science for Policy


GFEP Chair at EXPO Milan

On 25 June the expert panel chair, Professor B Vira, will discuss findings of the report in a panel discussion on "Forests, Food and Life" in the "Breathe Austria" Pavilion of the EXPO2015 in Milan.


New report affirms the vital role of forests in building food security

The study entitled "Forests, Trees and Landscapes for Food Security and Nutrition" is a comprehensive scientific analysis of the relationship between forests, food and nutrition. It emphasises the importance of forests and tree-based landscapes for food security and nutrition, and underlines the need for the most vulnerable groups of society to have secure access to forest foods.

The assessment was based on the work of the Global Forest Expert Panel on Forests and Food Security (GFEP-FFS), convened by the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), on behalf of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF).

On 25 June the chair of the expert panel, Professor Bhaskar Vira from the University of Cambridge, will discuss findings of the report in a panel discussion on "Forests, Food and Life" in the "Breathe Austria" Pavilion of the EXPO2015 in Milan, Italy.



Nuovo rapporto afferma il ruolo fondamentale delle foreste per costruire la sicurezza alimentare

Lo studio dal titolo "Forests, Trees and Landscapes for Food Security and Nutrition" è una completa analisi scientifica del rapporto tra foreste, il cibo e la nutrizione. Sottolinea l'importanza delle foreste e paesaggi basati su alberi per la sicurezza alimentare e la nutrizione, e sottolinea la necessità per i gruppi più vulnerabili della società di avere un accesso sicuro agli alimenti della foresta.

La valutazione si è basata sul lavoro del Global Forest Expert Panel on Forests and Food Security (GFEP-FFS), convocata dall’ International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), a nome del partenariato di Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF).

Il 25 giugno il presidente del gruppo di esperti, il professore Bhaskar Vira presso l'Università di Cambridge, discuterà risultati della relazione in una tavola rotonda sul tema " Forests, Food and Life " nel padiglione "Breathe Austria" del EXPO2015 di Milano, Italia.




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