1.03.00 - Short-rotation forestry
Call for Proposals to Host the Ninth International Poplar Symposium
The International Union of Forest Research Organizations’ (IUFRO), Poplar and Willow Genetics Working Party 2.08.04, convenes the International Poplar Symposium (IPS) every four years for the presentation and discussion of the most recent and important scientific findings in Populus and Salix genetics, molecular biology, physiology, ecology, wood science, etc. The next symposium, IPS-IX, will be held in 2026. IPS-IX will follow previous poplar symposia held in Seattle, Washington, USA (IPS-I, 1995), Orleans, France (IPS-II, 1999), Uppsala, Sweden (IPS-III, 2002), Nanjing, China (IPS-IV, 2006), Orvieto, Italy (IPS-V, 2010), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (IPS-VI, 2014), Buenos Aires, Argentina (IPS-VII, 2018), and most recently, Novi Sad, Serbia (IPS-VIII, 2022, virtual).
The Poplar and Willow Genetics Working Party 2.08.04 welcomes all proposals to host IPS-IX.
Details about the sections of a bid are available at: https://www.iufro.org/fileadmin/material/science/divisions/div2/20804/ips-ix26-call-for-hosting.pdf
Please submit your bid by 1 May 2023 to Dr. Ron Zalesny (USDA Forest Service, USA), 2.08.04 coordinator, via electronic mail (ronald.zalesny@usda.gov).
WOODY CROPS 2018 - International Short Rotation Woody Crops Conference
Rhinelander, Wisconsin, USA; 23-25 July 2018. Units involved: 1.03.00, 2.08.04.
Historically, international efforts for the development of short rotation woody crops (SRWCs) focused on the production of biomass for bioenergy, biofuels, and bioproducts, while research and deployment over the past decade has expanded to include broader objectives of achieving multiple ecosystem services. In particular, silvicultural prescriptions developed for SRWCs have been refined to include woody crop production systems for environmental benefits such as carbon sequestration, water quality and quantity, and soil health. In addition, current systems have been expanded beyond traditional fiber production to other environmental technologies that incorporate SRWCs as vital components for phytotechnologies (e.g., phytoremediation), urban afforestation, ecological restoration, and mine reclamation.
The International Short Rotation Woody Crops Conference will bring together six of the world’s leading SRWC organizations to enhance information exchange and provide a platform for developing future collaboration around SRWC production systems.
Details: https://www.iufro.org/download/file/28026/3637/rhinelander18-1st-announcement_pdf/