Expertise offered by Unit
Unit 2.04.01
Research interests of Unit officeholders
Filippos Aravanopoulos
(Contact)- evaluation
- protection & utilization of forest genetic resources (FGR) & biodiversity
- genetic monitoring of FGR
- DNA conservation of forest genetic resources
- forest genetic monitoring
- genetics and genomics of forest trees
- population and ecological genetics
- DNA fingerprinting
- barcoding & molecular diagnostics
- response and adaptation of forest genetic resources to climatic change
- breeding for biotic & abiotic stress resistance
- breeding for biomass production & energy conversion
- molecular breeding-QTL mapping
Modhumita Dasgupta
(Contact)- population genomics
- marker assisted selection
- comparative genomics
Cristiano Vernesi
(Contact)- conservation genetics
Send comments to Om Rajora (Coordinator)