Activities and events
Unit 2.08.07
No upcoming meetings found for Unit 2.08.07.
Working Party Award
Distinguished Contribution Award
We would like to announce Professor Le Dinh Kha as the recipient of the inaugural Distinguished Contribution Award of WP 2.08.07 Genetics and Silviculture of Acacias. The award is presented to a senior scientist in recognition of their sustained and significant contribution to the development of acacia plantation forestry and is presented at each periodic WP meeting. Professor Kha was recognised for his distinguished achievements as a scholar and research team leader in the fields of forest genetics and tree breeding, and for his outstanding service in developing an institutional framework and culture to support the ongoing advance of forest science in Vietnam. Prof Kha received his award during the IUFRO Acacia 2014 Conference "Sustaining the Future of Acacia Plantation Forestry" in Hue, Vietnam.
Details of the award are available in "Criteria of 2.08.07 Distinguished Contribution Award"
Past IUFRO meetings
- 3rd IUFRO Acacia Conference 2020: Embracing Transformation for Sustainable Management of Industrial Forest Plantations; online from Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia; 26-28 October 2021. Conference homepage - 1st announcement - Report
- IUFRO Acacia Conference 2017 "Towards a sustainable future for Acacia plantations"; Yogyakarta, Indonesia; 24-28 July 2017. Units involved: 1.02.06, 2.08.07. 1st announcement
- IUFRO INAFOR Joint International Conference 2017, "Promoting Sustainable Resources from Plantations for Economic Growth and Community Benefits"; Yogyakarta, Indonesia; 24–27 July 2017. Conference homepage - 2nd announcement - Report
Media coverage: - -
- Ceratocystis in tropical hardwood plantations; Yogyakarta/Sumatra/Pekanbaru Riau, Indonesia; 15-18 February 2016. Workshop announcement
- IUFRO Acacia 2014 Conference "Sustaining the Future of Acacia Plantation Forestry"; Hue, Vietnam; 18-21 March 2014. Units involved: 2.08.07, 1.02.06, 2.04.01. Conference homepage - 1st Announcement - Report - Final Communique
Meetings of interest
2014 IUFRO Forest Tree Breeding Conference; Prague, Czech Republic; 25-29 August 2014. IUFRO Units involved: 2.04.02, 2.02.07, 2.02.11. Conference homepage