2.09.01 - Seed orchards
New Publication on Seed Orchards
Seed Orchards: Establishment, Management and Genetics.
Kang, Kyu-Suk & Bilir, Nebi. (2021). ISBN 978-975-93943-9-4.
In many important forest countries seed orchards are the major work horse to get the progress made in forest tree breeding out into the forest. In addition, seeds from seed orchards have advantages over natural seeds. And yet, seed orchards get less attention than other more futuristic subjects like vegetative propagation and molecular breeding.
While earlier books on forest tree breeding only had chapters about seed orchards or about special types of seed orchards or limited regions, the focus of this whole book is on seed orchards, as they often are a more important tool which does not seem likely to be replaced in the foreseeable future.
Details - Description
The IUFRO Seed Orchard conference 2019 - Seed Orchards and Climate Change
Nanjing, China; 14-16 October 2019. IUFRO Units involved: 2.09.01, 2.09.03, 2.04.02, 2.02.23, 2.02.07.
The goal of this conference is to provide the opportunity for scientists, students and managers of seed orchards and forest regeneration to exchange the most recent scientific advances related to forest tree seed orchards and their integration in the forestry practice. Areas that will be encompassed at the conference include, but are not limited to, the link between seed orchards and long-tem tree breeding; seed orchard design and management; forest pathology in relation to seed production, seed testing and storage; seed physiology and technology; forest economics; genetic resources and gene conservation; progeny testing; and interaction of seed orchards with related disciplines.
Details: http://seedorchard2019.njfu.edu.cn/
A IUFRO Seed Orchard Conference will be held between September 4-6, 2017 in Bålsta, Sweden. The goal of this conference is to provide the opportunity to exchange scientific advances related to forest tree seed orchards and their integration in the forestry practice. These include links between seed orchards and long-term tree breeding; seed orchard design and management; forest pathology in relation to seed production, seed testing and storage; seed physiology and technology; forest economics; gene conservation; and interaction of seed orchards with related disciplines.