Publications and references

Contreras M., W. Chung, G. Jones. 2008. Applying ant colony optimization meta-heuristic to solve forest transportation planning problems with side constraints. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38(11):2896-2910.

Contreras M., D. Parrott, W. Chung. 2015. Designing Skid-Trail Networks to Reduce Skidding Cost and Soil Disturbance for Ground-Based Timber Harvesting Operations. Forest Science DOI:

Epstein R., M. Rönnqvist, A. Weintraub. 2007. Forest Transportation. Chapter 20. Handbook Of Operations Research In Natural Resources Vol 99.

Hiroshi Kobayashi 1984. Planning system for road-route locations in mountainous forests. Journal of the Japan Forestry Society, 66(8): 313-319vv

Jürg Andreas Stückelberger  2008.  A Weighted-Graph Optimization Approach for Automatic Location of Forest Road Networks.

Saito, M., Goshima, M., Aruga, K., Matsue, K., Shuin, Y., and Tasaka, T. 2013.  Study of automatic forest road design model considering shallow landslides with LiDAR data of Funyu Experimental Forest. Cro. J. For. Eng. 34(1):1-15(2013).

Zamora-Cristales R.,  J. Sessions. 2015. Are double trailers cost effective for transporting forest biomass on steep terrain? California Agriculture 69(3):177-183 DOI: 10.3733/ca.v069n03p177

Zamora-Cristales, R., J. Sessions, K. Boston and G. Murphy 2014.  Economic Optimization of Forest Biomass Processing and Transport in the Pacific Northwest, USA. Forest Science. 
Zamora-Cristales, R., J. Sessions, G. Murphy and K. Boston. 2013.  Economic impact of truck-machine interference in forest biomass recovery operations on steep terrain.  Forest Products Journal 63(56):162-173;