Publications and references

Relevant Literature

  • Chang, H., Han, H.S., Anderson, N., Kim, Y.S. and Han, S.K., 2023. The cost of forest thinning operations in the western United States: a systematic literature review and new thinning cost model. Journal of Forestry, 121(2), pp.193-206.
  • Evans, K., Meli, P., Zamora‐Cristales, R., Schweizer, D., Méndez‐Toribio, M., Gómez‐Ruiz, P.A. and Guariguata, M.R., 2023. Drivers of success in collaborative monitoring in forest landscape restoration: An indicative assessment from Latin America. Restoration Ecology, 31(4), p.e13803.
  • Zamora-Cristales R., Gonzalez M., Rachmaninoff V., Franco M., Vergara W., De Camino R., Miljanic A., Sanchez M., Hilton L., and Carazo F., 2022. Healing the wounded land:  The role of public economic incentives in scaling up restoration efforts in six Latin American countries. World Resources Institute Issue Brief 32 p.
  • Firebanks-Quevedo, D., Planas, J., Buckingham, K., Taylor, C., Silva, D., Naydenova, G. and Zamora-Cristales, R., 2022. Using machine learning to identify incentives in forestry policy: Towards a new paradigm in policy analysis. Forest Policy and Economics, 134, p.102624.
  • Special Issue of Forests "Forest Sustainability: Wood Yield and Biomass Utilization"; Guest editors Kazuhiro Aruga (IUFRO 3.01.00), Nathaniel Anderson (IUFRO 3.09.00) and Robert Prinz.
  • Anderson, N. and Mitchell, D., 2016. Forest operations and woody biomass logistics to improve efficiency, value, and sustainability. Bioenergy Research, 9(2), pp.518-533.
  • Ding, H; Faruqi, S; Carlos Altamirano, J; Anchondo Ortega, A; Zamora-Cristales R.; R., Chazdon; W., Vergara.  2017. Roots of Prosperity. The Economics and Finance of Restoring Land.   World Resources Institute, Washington, DC.
  • Löf, M., Dey, D.C., Navarro, R.M. and Jacobs, D.F., 2012. Mechanical site preparation for forest restoration. New Forests, 43(5-6), pp.825-848.
  • Moreira da Silva, A.P., Schweizer, D., Rodrigues Marques, H., Cordeiro Teixeira, A.M., Nascente dos Santos, T.V., Sambuichi, R.H., Badari, C.G., Gaudare, U. and Brancalion, P.H., 2017. Can current native tree seedling production and infrastructure meet an increasing forest restoration demand in Brazil?. Restoration Ecology, 25(4), pp.509-515.
  • Stanturf, J.A., Palik, B.J. and Dumroese, R.K., 2014. Contemporary forest restoration: a review emphasizing function. Forest Ecology and Management, 331, pp.292-323.
  • Villalobos Soto, R., Bustos, E., Carrera Gambeta, F., Delgado, D. and Zamora-Cristales, R., 2019. Elementos críticos para la restauración a escala de paisajes, desde experiencias de los bosques modelo. In XI Congreso Forestal Nacional de Guatemala. Alta Verapaz (Guatemala), 2019. CATIE, Turrialba (Costa Rica)

Publications of Interest

Issue Brief: "Healing the Wounded Land: The Role of Public Economic Incentives in Scaling Up Restoration Efforts in Six Countries in Latin America".
René Zamora-Cristales, Maggie Gonzalez, Victoria Rachmaninoff, Maria Franco Chuaire, Walter Vergara, Ronnie De Camino, Andriana Miljanic, Marioldy Sanchez, Luis Hilton, Claudio Cabrera, Gaillard, And Felipe Carazo. February 2022. PDF for download