4.01.02 - Growth models for tree and stand simulation


Artificial Intelligence and Ecosystems Management

Palencia, Spain; 17-21 April 2023.

Ecosystem management under changing conditions needs new tools to insight and forecast forest dynamic and management. Artificial intelligence is a game changer in forest management. Artificial intelligence (AI) encompasses a wide range of techniques and frameworks dating back to the mid twenty century. The use of AI in forestry is relatively new, especially when compared to the early adoption of AI in other fields. The irruption of AI spins researchers and practitioners to unfold the analysis of complex big data. Narrow AI, defined as an AI system that is specified to perform a limited task, is commonly applied in biometry (e.g., analysis of forest structure with 3D point cloud data) but no so common in other ecosystem management domains. Currently, adequate AI algorithms can be efficiently prototyped due to plenty of publicly available databases, open-source libraries and the accessibility to computing platforms.

- Start of abstract submission: 16 January 2023
- Start of registration: 16 January 2023
- End of abstract submission: 10 February 2023
- Acceptance of communications: 3 March 2023
- End of early-bird registration: 10 March 2023
- Side events: 17 April 2023
- Conference: 18-20 April 2023
- Field trip: 21 April 2023

Details:  https://eventos.uva.es/92504/detail/artificial-intelligence-and-ecosystems-management.html


Crown structure as cause and effect in modeling tree growth, form, and wood quality

Technical Session C4d at the XXV IUFRO World Congress;
Curitiba, Brazil; 29 September - 5 October 2019.

Co-organizers: Doug Maguire (Oregon State University); Peter Newton (Natural Resources Canada)

Sponsors: 4.01.02 - Growth models for Tree and Stand Simulation; 5.01.08 - Understanding wood variability   

Crown attributes are key physiological determinants of tree growth which respond readily to silvicultural manipulations and mediate many aspects of stem allometry and stand structure, in turn dynamically influencing wood production, wood quality, and many other ecosystem services. Topics will cover mechanisms by which thinning, fertilization, and genetic manipulation influence crown structure; corresponding linkages to light capture, vertical distribution of stem increment, wind loading/damage, and micro- and macroanatomy of wood; and development of associated modelling solutions for quantifying these cause-and-effect loops. The session aims to integrate interactive responses and influences of crown structure at numerous levels through state-of-the-art multidisciplinary presentations.    


Research Scientist Employment Opportunity - Natural Resources Canada (CFS) Canadian Wood Fibre Centre

Please be advise that a Research Scientist - Quantitative Forest Ecology Applied to Management at Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Canadian Wood Fibre Centre, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada staffing action has been opened as of Decmeber 22nd, 2017 and which closes January 22nd, 2018. Interested applicants, please refer to the following link(s).
