Publications and references

The following publication list highlights the most recent and most popular books and proceedings in NDE area.

  • 22nd International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium; Quebec City, Canada; 24-27 May 2022. IUFRO Units involved: 5.01.00, 5.01.04, 5.01.09. Proceedings  
  • 21st International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium; Freiburg, Germany; 24-27 September 2019. Units involved: 5.01.00, 5.01.09. Proceedings  
  • 20th International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium; Madison, Wisconsin, USA; 12-15 September 2017. Units involved: 5.01.00, 5.01.09. Proceedings        
  • 19th International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 22-25 September 2015. Units involved: 5.02.00, 5.02.01. Proceedings           
  • Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood - Second Edition  
  • 18th International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium; Madison, WI, United States; 24-27 September 2013. Units involved: 5.02.00, 5.02.01. Proceedings
  • Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood - 50 Years Research  
  • Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood: A Worldwide Research Update
    Authors: Brian K. Brashaw; Voichita Bucur; Ferenc Divos; Raquel Goncalves; Jianxiong Lu; Roger Meder; Roy F. Pellerin; Simon Potter; Robert J Ross; Xiping Wang; Yafang, Yin. 2009.  
  • Acoustics of Wood (2nd Ed.)
    by Voichita Bucur; Springer Series in Wood Science, Springer-Verlag 2006
    This book is devoted to those aspects related to the development of acoustic methods as an effective means for examining physical properties of wood through an interdisciplinary approach. The main parts of the book are: environmental acoustics, material characterization and quality assessment. In the first part of the book a discussion of the physical phenomena associated with the propagation of acoustic waves in forests is presented. The behavior of wood and wood-based composites as materials used in architectural acoustics is also discussed. The second part was written in response to practical considerations about wood uses. This part provides an introductory understanding of basic aspects related to the theory of waves propagation in anisotropic solids, experimental methods for acoustics and mechanic characterization of wood, examination of wood anisotropy using ultrasonic parameters. In the third part wood quality assessment is discussed. Wood used for musical instruments has the most remarkable quality, with unique acoustic properties. In contrast with wood for musical instruments, free of defects, in common wood the defects are always present. Ultrasonic velocity method, acoustic emission method, acousto-ultrasonic techniques are used for the detection of defects in standing trees, solid wood and wood-based composites. High-energy ultrasonic treatment for wood processing such as drying, defibering, cutting and plasticizing are described in the last chapter.
  • Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Nondestructive Testing of Wood.
    Edited by Friedrich-Wilhelm Broker; Shaker Verlag 2005, Germany
  • Wood and Timber Condition Assessment Manual - Second Edition
    by Robert J. Ross, Brian K. Brashaw, Xiping Wang, Robert H. White, and Roy F. Pellerin; Forest Products Society 2004, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
    The deterioration of an in-service wood member may result from a variety of causes during the life of a structure. It is important, therefore, to periodically examine wood used in structures to determine the extent of deterioration so that degraded members may be replaced or repaired to avoid structural failure. Inspection professionals use a wide variety of techniques to assess the condition of wood in service. Visual, mechanical probing, and stress wave or ultrasound-based techniques are all used either individually or in combination by inspectors. While these techniques are based on solid technical information and supporting research, no practical, comprehensive manual exists where information on inspection of wood in service can be found. This manual is an attempt to address this need. The manual stems from numerous research studies, inspections, and lectures dealing with assessing the condition of in-service wood and timber. This manual is intended for inspection professionals. A concerted effort has been made to provide clear and concise explanations of various aspects of inspecting in-service wood and timber. To this end, a number of photographs and drawings obtained from actual inspections are included.
  • Nondestructive Characterization and Imaging of Wood
    by Voichita Bucur; Springer Series in Wood Science, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heideberg 2003, Germany
    The subject of nondestructive evaluation of wood properties has its origin in the necessity to solve practical problems. This book comprehensively reviews numerous aspects of imaging and nondestructive characterization of wood products ranging from trees to the most complex wood-based composite. The text is of particular interest to those who are concerned with the study of wood as an engineering material for fundamental research or practical application. It presents the imaging of the internal structure of wood with methods based on the propagation of electromagnetic waves, elastic waves and heat, and imaging with nuclear particle radiation based methods.
  • Nondestructive Evaluation of Wood
    Compiled and Edited by Roy F. Pellerin and Robert J. Ross; Forest Products Society 2002, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
    This book answers the request of our colleagues throughout the world who expressed the desire for a synthesized source of information on nondestructive evaluation of wood. Widely respected technical authorities were asked to prepare chapters dealing with their areas of expertise. Contents include: characteristics of wood, fundamental hypothesis, static bending nondestructive evaluation methods; transverse vibration and longitudinal stress wave nondestructive evaluation methods; acoustic emission and acousto-ultrasonics; proof loading; probing, drilling, and coring - nondestructive evaluation methods; visual grading of softwood dimension lumber; mechanical grading of lumber; ultrasonic veneer grading; inspection of timber structures using stress wave timing nondestructive evaluation tools; and nondestructive evaluation of green materials - recent research and development activities. Sections of the book originally appeared in technical journals, research reports, and various symposia proceedings. In addition more than 400 technical articles are cited in the chapters or listed in the Appendix.
  • Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Nondestructive Testing of Wood
    Edited by Frank C. Beall; Forest Products Society 2002, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
  • Proceedings of the 12th International Sympoium on Nondestructive Testing of Wood
    Edited by Ferenc Divos; University of Western Hungary 2000, Sopron, Hungary
  • Proceedings of the 11th International Sympoium on Nondestructive Testing of Wood
    Edited by David Pollock; Forest Products Society 1999, Madison, Wisconsin, USA


Training course on nondestructive testing

Date: Last week of August, each year
Date of the two most recent training courses is: August 21-25, 2006.
Training course home page:
Organiser: University of West Hungary, Sopron, Hungary
Contact person: Ferenc Divos: e-mail: divos(at)
Because the hands-on training, number of participant is limited, early registration is recommended.