Mailing list

This list is intended to share information among scientists regarding issues relating to IUFRO Working Party 8.01.02 – Landscape ecology.

The Working Party promotes and facilitates the application of landscape ecology concepts in policies and practices forested landscapes worldwide.  It also encourages communication and interaction among scientists with an interest in landscape ecology and forestry. These aims are accomplished by providing a forum for the exchange of ideas; creating and maintaining personal contacts; promoting the dissemination of research results; encouraging cooperation with international organizations (e.g., IALE, FAO, IUCN, UNESCO); promoting a uniform terminology; convening periodic meetings; recognizing outstanding scientific and practical contributions; assisting in the application of scientific concepts; supporting the teaching of landscape ecology in institutions of higher learning; and broadening horizons of young researchers through workshops and topical seminars organized by the Working Party members.

The mailing list service is free for all IUFRO members; however, you will need to subscribe in order to receive messages.

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