Activities and events
Unit 8.02.03
No upcoming meetings found for Unit 8.02.03.
Past activities
- Webinar: Humusica 2022 - Soil and Climate Warming; online; 23 June 2022, 14.30 -17.00 / 24 June 2022, 14.00 -17.00 / 25 June 2022, 10.30 -16.30. Programme - Webinar link
- Webinar: Humusica 2021 – Soil: biodiversity and management - Practical tools and actions for facing the future; online, hosted by University of Padua; 24 June 2021, 14:30-17:00, and 25 June 2021, 14:00-17:00; Programme - Webinar link
Information about webinar:
- 2011: Net workshop; completion of the second version of the European Humus Forms Reference Base. Accepted for publication in Geoderma an article showing the principles and the most important keys of this classification under the title: A European morpho-functional classification of humus forms.
- 2010: Net workshop; completion of first European Reference Base for humus forms. Publication of this synthesis on the CNRS French site
- June 2007: Humus and Soil Biodiversity Meeting in Sardinia (Cagliari, Italy; 20-24 June 2007): Programm of the Meeting
- July 2005: Meeting of the whole group at Centro Studi per l’Ambiente Alpino (Oriental Alps, Italy). First draft of a European classification of the terrestrial and semiterrestrial humus forms.
- July 2004: Meeting of the commission Classification at BOKU University, Vienna, Austria. Elaboration of the first draft of European classification of the terrestrial humus forms. Presentation of this classification at the EUROSOIL 2004 Freiburg;
- July 2003, first meeting and birth of the Humus group at "Centro di Ecologia Alpina di Trento" (Central Alps, Italy). Goal of the meeting: let speak all together the European specialists of humus in order to find a common reference of classification of the top soil. Creation of the three commissions Classification, Vocabulary and Diffusion.
Send comments to Michael Englisch (Coordinator)