Activities and events
Unit 8.02.04
No upcoming meetings found for Unit 8.02.04.
Past IUFRO meetings
- Biological invasions in forests: trade, ecology and management; Prague, Czech Republic; 20-24 September 2021. Units involved: 7.03.07, 7.03.12, 8.02.04. Early alert - Conference homepage - Report
- 4.04.07 Inaugural Meeting: Risk Analysis of Forest Invasive Alien Species;Chandigarh, India; 27 February - 1 March 2013. Units involved: 4.04.07, 8.02.04. Conference homepage - Report
Photo: Participants viewing poster. Provided by David Gray
- "Plant Invasion & Forest Ecology: Concerns & Solutions"; Chandigarh, India; 16-18 March 2009. The 2-days IUFRO-SPDC sponsored Pre-Conference Workshop on "Working Effectively at the Interface of Forest Science and Forest Policy" for mid-career scientists from developing countries will be held from 14-15 March 2009 in association with DNAES.
For further details kindly refer to the Announcement (includes registration form and application form).
Send comments to Jose Shibu (Coordinator)