Panel Activities

The assessment was carried out by the following scientists acting as the members of the Global Forest Expert Panel on Biodiversity, Forest Management and REDD+:

John Parrotta, U.S. Forest Service, USA - Panel Chair

Valerie Kapos, UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre, United Kingdom
Werner Kurz, Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Canada
Constance McDermott, Environmental Change Institute University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Bernardo Strassburg, International Institute for Sustainability (IIS), Brazil
Ian Thompson, Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Canada
Bhaskar Vira, Department of Geography University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Harro van Asselt, Environmental Change Institute University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Samuel Assembe Mvondo, CIFOR Central Africa Regional Office Forests and Governance Programme, Cameroon
Joice Ferreira, Embrapa Amazonia Oriental, Brazil
Toby Gardner, Conservation Science Group University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Manuel Guariguata, Forest and Environment Programme, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Indonesia
Markku Kanninen, Viikki Tropical Resources Institute (VITRI), University of Helsinki, Finland
Lian Pin Koh, National University of Singapore, Department of Environmental Sciences ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Sango Mahanty, Resource Management in Asia-Pacific Program, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Australia
Stephanie Mansourian, Consultant, Switzerland
Adrian Martin, School of International Development, University of East Anglia, United Kingdom
Kimiko Okabe, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute (FFPRI) Tsukuba, Japan
Yude Pan, USDA Forest Service, Global Change Program, USA
Nophea Sasaki, Graduate School of Applied Informatics, University of Hyogo, Japan
Christine Schmitt, Albert-Ludwig University, Freiburg Institute for Landscape Management, Germany
Charlotte Streck, Climate Focus B.V., USA
Jason Tylianakis, University of Canterbury, New Zealand

A number of contributing authors have supported the scientific work of the Panel. A list of all authors and reviewers is highlighted in the report

In addition to the members of the Expert Panel, the assessment was supported by the following members of the GFEP team:

Christoph Wildburger – GFEP Programme Coordinator
Stephanie Mansourian – GFEP Editor
John A. Parrotta – GFEP Editor


The Terms of Reference for the Panel were endorsed by the CPF in December 2011.

1st Meeting of the Global Forest Expert Panel on Biodiversity, Forest Management and REDD+
Rome, Italy; 2-3 February 2012. Minutes

2nd Meeting of the Global Forest Expert Panel on Biodiversity, Forest Management and REDD+
Belém, Brazil; 27-29 August 2012. Minutes