Shifting global development discourses - Implications for forests and livelihoods

Forestry discourses and forest based development – an introduction to the Special Issue
pp. 1-9(9)
Authors: De Jong, W.; Galloway, G.; Katila, P.; Pacheco, P.

Forests for sustainable development: a process approach to forest sector contributions to the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
pp. 10-23(14)
Authors: Gregersen, H.; El Lakany, H.; Blaser, J.
Integrated climate change adaptation: towards an emancipatory community forestry-based approach
pp. 24-40(17)
Authors: Chowdhary, C.L.; Conroy, W.; Gritten, D.; Pairojmahakij, R.S.; Poudyal, B.H.; Sapkota, L.M.; Triraganon, R.

Environmental concerns in political bioeconomy discourses
pp. 41-55(15)
Authors: Kleinschmit, D.; Arts, B.; Giurca, A.; Mustalahti, I.; Sergent, A.; Pülzl, H.

REDD+ and Green Growth: synergies or discord in Vietnam and Indonesia
pp. 56-68(13)
Authors: Pham, T.T.; Moeliono, M.; Brockhaus, M.; Le, N.D.; Katila, P.

REDD+ politics in the media: a case study from Vietnam
pp. 69-80(12)
Authors: Pham, T.T.; Gregorio, M. DI; Brockhaus, M.

Narrating illegal logging across the globe: between green protectionism and sustainable resource use
pp. 81-97(17)
Authors: Winkel, G.; Leipold, S.; Buhmann, K.; Cashore, B.; De Jong, W.; Nathan, I.; Sotirov, M.; Stone, M.

What can environmental narratives tell us about forestry conflicts? The case of REDD+
pp. 98-112(15)
Author: Sconfienza, U.M.

Emerging forest ecosystem service entrepreneurship in Finland and Peru
pp. 113-124(12)
Authors: Hiedanpää, J.; Salo, M.

Forestry development priorities in Finnish national forest programmes
pp. 125-138(14)
Author: Katila, P.

The problematic old roots of the new green economy narrative: how far can it take us in re-imagining sustainability in forestry?
pp. 139-151(13)
Authors: Tomaselli, M.F.; Hajjar, R.; Ramón-Hidalgo, A.E.; Vásquez-Fernández, A.M.

Changing governance arrangements: NTFP value chains in the Congo Basin
pp. 152-169(18)
Author: Ingram, V.

Forest ecosystem services, corporate sustainability and local livelihoods in industrial plantations of China: building conceptual awareness on the interlinkages
pp. 170-182(13)
Authors: Toppinen, A.; D'amato, D.; Lähtinen, K.; Rekola, M.; Wan, M.; Cai, D.; Wen, Z.