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18 February 2025, 6.00 pm CET / 5.00 pm UTCSpeaker:
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Forest landscapes (FLs), dominated by forests and often embedded with other land uses, contribute to many sustainable development goals (SDGs) and provide multiple essential ecosystem services (ES). These include provisioning, regulating, supporting, and cultural services. In particular, for rural populations, FLs are often the basis for the local economy and social identity. However, FLs are under pressure from the loss and degradation of forest area and conversion to other land uses, as well as environmental and climate change. As a result, societies worldwide may face diminishing levels of ecosystem services from FLs on a global scale. Combined strategies for FL preservation, restoration and adaptive management are needed to prevent significant losses of FL ecosystems and their benefits.
In the face of these challenges, the new IUFRO Task Force is dedicated to providing the scientific basis for transforming FLs to climate-resilient land-use systems that fulfil the complete spectrum of ecosystem service (ES) requirements of current and future societies. This includes the following activities in collaboration with local professionals and stakeholders:
The TF will include and continue major elements and achievement of the former TF on ‘Forest Adaptation and Restoration under Global Change’. This includes
Name | Discipline | |
Shankar Adhikari (Silviculture Division, Department of Forests, Nepal) | Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR), Nature conservation, Social science | Activity 1, 2 (and 3) |
Vianny Ahimbisibwe (Germany) | Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR), Ecosystem Services | Activity 2 |
Dolors Armenteras Pascual (Universidad National de Colombia, Colombia, Coordinator of the working group of IUFRO-IALE) | Landscape ecology, Land use change dynamics, Ecosystem services, | Activity 1 and 2 |
Gurveen Arora (India) Deputy Coordinator of 1.01.10 - Ecology and silviculture of pine | Silviculture, remote sensing and climate change | Activities 1 and 2 |
João Azevedo (Mountain Research Inst., Bragança, Portugal, Coordinator 8.01.02, Landscape Ecology) | Landscape ecology, Ecosystem services, forest ecosystem dynamics | Activity 1 and 2 |
Jan Bannister (Chilean Forestry Institute, Castro/Chiloé, Chile) | Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR), Silviculture | Activity 1 and 2 |
Andreas Bolte (Thünen-Institut, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries Institute of Forest Ecosystems, Germany) | Forest Ecology, Silviculture, Climate change adaptation | TF coordination, activity 1 and 2 |
Evgeniy Botman (Research Institute of Forestry, Tashkent, Uzbekistan) | Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) | Activity 2 |
Michele Bozzano (EFI Resilience Centre, Bonn, Germany, EUFORGEN Coordinator) | Forest genetics, Forest Management, Forest resilience | Activity 1 and 2 |
Kathleen Buckingham (WRI, Washington, USA) | Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR), social sciences, data sciences | Activity 2 and 3 |
Janice Burns (IUFRO Headquarters, Austria) | Forest Education, Communication | Activity 1 and 3 |
Donato Chiatante (University of Insubria, Varese, Italy) | Forest Biology, Forest ecology, Forest restoration | Activity 3 |
Dr András Darabant (BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences) | Forest management, forest landscape restoration, community forestry | Activities 2 and 3 |
Mercy Derkyi (Ghana) | Forest policy, Sustainable development, Society and environment | TF coordination, activity 1 and 3 |
Anita Diederichsen (Brazil) | Ecological restoration, Forest landscape restoration (FLR), Nature conservation | Activity 1 and 2 |
Kasten Dumroese (US Forest Service, U.S.A.) | Forest landscape restoration (FLR), Assisted migration, Forest restoration | Activity 2 |
Ernest Foli (FRI Ghana) | Forest management, Forest restoration, Tropical silviculture | Activity 2 and 3 |
Monica Gabay (Directorate of Forestry, Argentina, Coordinator 9.05.06, Deputy Coordinator 9.03.00, Incoming Coordinator of division 9) | Forest policy, Natural resources management, Governance issues | Activity 1 and 2 |
Manuel Guariguata (CIFOR, Peru) | Forest landscape restoration (FLR), Tropical silviculture, Nature conservation | Activity 1 and 2 |
Sven Günter (Germany) | Tropical Forestry, Forest Landscape Restoration | Activity 2 |
Markus Höhl (Germany) | Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR), Remote Sensing | Activity 1 and 2 |
Louis Iverson (USA) | Landscape Ecology, Habitat modelling | Activity 1 |
Douglas Jacobs (Purdue University, U.S.A., Coordinator 2.01.15 Whole Plant Physiology, Deputy 1.06.00) | Forest Regeneration and Restoration, Ecophysiology, Dendrology | Activity 2 |
Robert Jandl (BFW, Austria, Chair 8.01.00 Forest Ecosystem Functions) | Forest ecology, Carbon sequestration, Climate change adaptation | Activity 1 and 2 |
Promode Kant (Institute of Green Economy, India) | Forest Restoration, Subtropical silviculture | Activity 1 and 2 |
Rod Keenan (University of Melbourne, Australia, Chair 4.04.08 Adaptation to climate change) | Forest management, Forest policy, Climate change adaptation | Activity 1 |
Michael Kleine (IUFRO Headquarters, Austria, IUFRO Deputy Executive Director, SPDC Coordinator) | Education. Forest restoration, Tropical silviculture, | Activity 3 |
Shirong Liu (Chinese Academy of Forestry, China, Vice-President Task Forces, Special Programmes, Projects and IUFRO-led Initiatives, Deputy Coordinator Task Force ""Forests and Water Interactions in a Changing Environment"") | Forest water cycling, Water management | Activity 2 |
Magnus Löf (SLU, Sweden, Coordinator 1.01.06 Ecology and Silviculture of Oak) | Ecophysiology, Forest restoration, Regeneration | Activity 2 |
Sandra Luque (IRSTEA, France Coordinator Division 8, Deputy Coordinator 8.01.02) | Landscape Ecology, biodiversity assessments, habitate modelling | Activity 1 and 2 |
Amina Maalim (Kenya Forestry Research Institute) | Forest Landscape Restoration, Agroforestry, Climate change and adaptation | Activities 2 and 3 |
Palle Madsen (Denmark) | Silviculture, Bioenergy, Forest regeneration and restoration (FLR) | TF coordination, activity 2 and 3 |
Stephanie Mansourian (Switzerland) | Forest politics, Nature conservation. Governance issues, Forest restoration (FLR) | TF coordination, activity 2 and 3 |
Cynthia Miner (U.S. Forest Service, U.S.A.) | Educational science, Forest education, Social science | Activity 2 |
Daniel A. Ofori (Ghana) | Genetic resources, Forest management, Agroforestry | Activity Activity 1 and 2 |
Cora van Oosten (WUR, Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation, The Netherlands, Coordinator of Global Landscape Forum) | Landscape management, Forest Restoration, Communication science | Activities 2 and 3 |
Jesse O. Owino (Kenya Forestry Research Institute; Kenya) | Climate Change and Adaptation, Natural Resources Management | |
John Parrotta (US Forest Service, U.S.A.; President IUFRO) | Tropical silviculture, Forest restoration (FLR) | Activity 1 and 2 |
Stephan A. Pietsch (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis/IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria) | Ecosystem modelling, ecosystem services, tropical FL | Activity 1 |
Brad Pinno (Canada) | Boreal Silviculture, Forest Ecology | Activity 1 and 2 |
Elisabeth Pötzelsberger (Austria) | Ecosystem modelling, Non-native Species | Activity 1 and 2 |
Maria Laura Quevedo Fernandez (Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Paraguay) | Forest management, Forest economics | Activities 2 and 3 |
Sabine Reinecke (University of Freiburg, Germany) | Social science, Ecosystem services | Activity 3 |
Mika Rekola (University of Helsinki, Finland; Coordinator 6.09.00 Forest Education) | Educational science, Forest education, Social science | Activity 1 and 3 |
Sandra Rodríguez-Pineros (Autonomous University of Chihuahua, Faculty of Animal Science and Ecology, Mexico, Coordinator Joint TF IUFRO-IFSA Forest Education, Deputy Coordinator 6.09.00 Forest Education) | Forest Education, Communication | Activity 1 and 3 |
Carol Rolando (New Zealand) | Forest vegetation management, Forest protection | Activity 2 and 3 |
Somidh Saha (KIT, Germany; KIT, Deputy Coordinator 1.01.06 Ecology and Silviculture of Oak) | Temperate and subtropical silviculture | Activity 1 and 2 |
Peter Spathelf (HNE Eberswalde, Germany, Forest Europe) | Temperate silviculture, Forest adaptation | Activity 2 |
John Stanturf (Estland/USA) | Forest soils, Silviculture, Restoration ecology, FLR | TF coordination, activity 1 and 2 |
Joo Han Sung (National Institute of Forest Science (NIFoS), Korea) | Forest management, Forest adaptation | Activity 2 |
Alma Lucrecia Trujillo Miranda (Yale School of the Environment, New Haven, CT USA) | Forest Restoration, Tropical Forest Ecology, Socio-Ecological Systems | Activities 2 and 3 |
Giorgio Vacchiano (University of Milan, Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences - Production, Landscape, Agroenergy; Italy) | Forest Modelling, Forest Ecology, Disturbances | Activity 1 and 3 |
Khalil Walji (IFSA International Secretariat, Germany) | Forest Education, Communication | Activity 1 and 3 |
Xiaohua Adam Wei (UBC, Canada, Coordinator 8.01.07, Task Force Coordinator T34) | Forest Soils, Forest water cycling | Activity 2 |
René Zamora-Cristales (Guatemala) | Global resource management, Forest planning, Economics, Reforestation, Agroforestry and silvopastures | Activity 2 and 3 |
Yuandong Zhang (Chinese Academy of Forestry, China) | Forest management, Forest adaptation | Activity 2 |
Global deforestation and forest degradation threaten the sustainability of natural and human systems. Forest landscape restoration, through active approaches such as plantations, woodlots, boundary planting,
Targeting researchers, practitioners, NGOs, policymakers and other interested stakeholders, the IUFRO/SUPERB Monthly Forest Restoration Talks investigate forest restoration questions from diverse scientific perspectives, with alternating
The Forest Restoration Talks organized jointly by SUPERB and IUFRO‘s Task Force ‘Transforming Forest Landscapes for Future Climates and Human Well-Being’ investigate forest restoration questions
SpeakersProf. Karen Vankampenhout (KU Leuven) and Dr. Rainer Baritz (European Environment Agency).Watch the video recording of the webinar at:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZfKSFHq7og
Nature-based concepts have been embraced by different scientific disciplines and operationalized by practitioners in different ecological, social and historic contexts. Rewilding and Forest Landscape Restoration
Science has a major role to play in embracing the complexity of the challenge of meeting future and diverse demands on forests. This includes
Science and technology behind plantation Christmas tree production have developed rapidly in the last 20-30 years, particularly in Europe and North America. Learn about
Full Report with Case StudiesWWF and IUFRO have come together to push the forest restoration agenda forward using our combined scientific, policy and field implementation
Recent survey paper "Forest Landscape Restoration – What Generates Failure and Success" highlights various problems and success factors with FLR projects on a global scale.Several
Read about how this IUFRO Task Force provides and communicates the scientific basis for transforming forest landscapes to climate-resilient land use systems!"Forest landscapes (FLs) are