Publications and references
Unit 1.01.08
Major Publications
During 2006 IUFRO WP 1.01.08 published the 3rd joint report on the European thinning experiments, including some of those which have now been discontinued. This was considered a major achievement and landmark for international cooperation in long-term experimental forest research.
In addition to reports on the development of individual experiments, the report includes a European-wide overview of treatment effects across national and geographical borders. It is a special pleasure that the first leader of the working party is included among the editors and as a significant contributor. The seminal work for the report was initiated by H. Eriksson, Garpenberg, and the late K. Johann, Vienna. The report is intended to contribute to decision-making for optimal silvicultural treatment of Norway spruce on an European scale as well as to further the coordination of ongoing experiments. Detailed analyses of specific research results remain the responsibility of the insitututes in charge of the individual experiments.
During four decades numerous members of the working party contributed to the work and the results upon which this report is founded. Hopefully, the report will help to continue their spirit of international cooperation and the coordination of silvicultural research objectives in a wider context.
Full bibliographical reference
Herbstritt, S., U. Kohnle, P. Abetz & G. Kenk (eds.) 2006: The European stem number experiment in Norway spruce, 3rd report. Berichte Freiburger Forstliche Forschung, vol. 66. VI + 132 pp. ISSN 1436-1566.
The report can be ordered from Forstliche Versuchs- and Forschungsanstalt Baden-Württemberg at e-mail or online, price € 12.00. A summary is available as pdf from the FVA.
Other recent publications
- Slodicak, M., J. Novak & J.P. Skovsgaard 2005: Wood production, litter fall and humus accumulation in a Czech thinning experiment in Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). Forest Ecology and Management 209: 157-166.
- Skovsgaard, J.P., I. Stupak & L. Vesterdal 2006: Distribution of biomass and carbon in even-aged stands of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.): A case study on spacing and thinning effects in northern Denmark. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 21: 470-488.
Pictures of Interest
- Natural regeneration of a Norway spruce plantation on sandy heathland in Denmark
- IUFRO thinning experiment in Norway spruce at Ottenstein, Austria
Please click here to view the pictures.