Activities and events

No upcoming meetings found for Unit 1.01.02.

Calendar of Meetings

Upcoming IUFRO Meetings

  • Convention, Symposium and Workshops of the International Peatland Society (IPS): Responsible Management of Peatlands; Aberdeen, Scotland; 28-31 May 2017. Conference homepage  

Meetings of interest

  • 14th International Peat Congress - Peatlands in Balance; Stockholm, Sweden; 3-8 June 2012. Conference homepage

  • International Peat Society (IPS): Strategy for Responsible Peatland Management (SRPM) Open Forum; Amsterdam, the Netherlands; 10 October 2010. Conference homepage

  • IPS Convention 2010; Jyväskylä, Finland; 14-18 June 2010. Conference homepage

Past IUFRO meetings

  • 15th International Peat Congress (IPC); Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia; 15-19 August 2016. Units involved: 1.01.02, 1.02.00, 8.02.00, 8.02.05. Conference homepage  

  • COST 639 Workshop: Peatlands in the LULUCF/AFOLU reporting; Helsinki, Finland; 19-20 May 2009. Conference announcement - Programme