Publications and references
Unit 3.06.00
BORZ S.A. (Editor). FORMEC 2017 - Innovating the Competitive Edge: From Research to Impact in the Forest Value Chain; September 25th - 29th, 2017; Braşov, Romania. Contact: FORMEC - The Forest Engineering network []. [Electronic ordering: printable PDF file at ]
Joint Regional Meeting of IUFRO RG3.03.00 and RG3.06.00 in Asia: Productivity and Safety of Final Cutting on Mountainous Plantation Forest; Matsuyama and Kochi, Japan; 24-28 July 2017. Units involved: 3.03.00, 3.06.00. Proceedings
MOSKALIK T. (editor). FORMEC 2016. 49th Symposium on Forest Mechanization. September 4 - 7, 2016, Warsaw, Poland. Contact: FORMEC - The Forest Engineering network []. [Electronic ordering: printable PDF file at]
KANZIAN C., ERBER G. and KUMAIER M. (editors). FORMEC 2015. 48th Symposium on Forest Mechanization. October 4 - 8, 2015, Linz, Austria. Contact: FORMEC - The Forest Engineering network []. [Electronic ordering: printable PDF file at]
FORMEC 2014. 47th International Symposium on Forestry Mechanization. September 23-26, 2014, Gerardmer, France. Contact: FORMEC - The Forest Engineering network []. [Electronic ordering: printable PDF file at]
TALBOT B. and BERKETT H. (editors). 2013. International Conference on Forest Operations in Mountainous Conditions. June 2 – 5, Honne , Norway. Contact: Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute [http://] [Electronic ordering: printable PDF pages
ARZBERGER U., GRIMOLDI M. (editors). 2001. FAO/ECE/ILO Workshop "New trends in wood harvesting with cable systems for sustainable forest management in the mountains". June 18-21, Ossiach, Austria. Contact: Forest Harvesting, Trade and Marketing Branch, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Roma, Italy [Electronic ordering: printable PDF pages at]
SCHIESS P., KROGSTAD F. (editors). 2001. The International Mountain Logging and 11th Pacific Northwest Skyline Symposium. 10-12 December, Seattle, College of Forest Resources, University of Washington, Seattle [Electronic ordering: printable PDF pages at]
ROBEK R., ARZBERGER U. (editors). 2003. FAO/ECE/ILO Workshop "Forest operation improvements in farm forests". September 9-14, Logarska Dolina, Slovenia. Contact: Forest Products Service, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Roma, Italy
NELSON J., CLARK M. (editors) 2004. Joint Conference of IUFRO 3.06 Forest Operations under Mountainous Conditions and the 12nd International Mountain Logging Conference. June 13-16. Vancouver, British Columbia, University of British Columbia Contact: Dr. John Nelson, Skyline Symposium Co-Chair, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
MEDVED M., KOSIR B. (editors). 2004. International Symposium Cable Yarding Suitable for Sustainable Forest Management. September 23, Idrija, Slovenia. Contact: Gozdarski institut Slovenije, Vecna pot 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
2006. FORMEC 2006. 39th International Symposium on Forestry Mechanization. September 24-28, Sofia, Bulgaria. Contact: Forestry University, 10 St. Kliment Ohridski, 1756 Sofia, Bulgaria.
SESSIONS J., HAVILL, Y. (editors). 2007. The International Mountain Logging and 13th Pacific Northwest Skyline Symposium. April 1-6. Oregon State University: Corvallis, Oregon. Contact: Dr. Loren Kellogg, Skyline Symposium Chair, Lemetta Professor of Forest Engineering, Department of Forest Engineering, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331 USA [Electronic ordering: printable PDF file at]
STAMPFER K., VISSER R., STEINMUELLER T. (editors). 2007. Austro2007/FORMEC´07 Meeting. October 7-11, Vienna, Austria, Contact: Department of Forest- and Soil Sciences, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, Peter Jordan Strasse. 82, A-1190 Vienna, Austria
SAKURAI R. (editor) 2008. IUFRO All Division 3 Conference. June 15-20, Sapporo, Japan. Contact: Rin Sakurai, Lab. of Forest Utilization, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Science, The University of Tokyo, 113-8657, Japan (sakurai(at) )
SKOUPY A., MACHAL P., MARECEK L. (editors). 2008. FORTECHENVI 2008. 3rd International Scientific Conference. May 26-30, Prague, Czech Republic. Contact: Mendelova Zemedelska a Lesnicka univerzita, Zemědělská 1/1665, 613 00 Brno, Czech Republic
KWF (editor). 2008. FORMEC 2008. 41st International Symposium on Forestry Mechanization. June 2-5, Schmallenberg, Germany. Contact: Kuratorium fur Waldarbeit un Forsttechnik, Spremberger Strasse 1, D-64823 Gross Umstadt, Germany
ROBEK R., CAVALLI R. (editors). 2008. FAO/ECE/ILO Seminar on Infrastructure and Transport in Sustainable Managed Forests. October 21-26, Portorose, Slovenia. Contact: Gozdarski institut Slovenije, Vecna pot 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
HARTSOUGH B., STOKES B. 2009. Environmentally Sound Forest Operations. 32nd Council on Forest Engineering Annual Meeting. June 15-18, Kings Beach, California [Electronic ordering: printable PDF pages at]
GIAMETTA G., ZIMBALATTI G. (editors). 2009. IUFRO Workshop "Forestry utilization in mediterranean countries with particularly respect to sloping areas". June 17-19, Reggio Calabria, Italy. Contact: University of Reggio Calabria – Dept. DISTAFA, Località Feo, 89122 Reggio Calabria, Italy (gzimbalatti(at)
PRKNOVA H. (editor). 2009. FORMEC 2009. 42nd International Symposium on Forestry Mechanization. June 21-24, Kostelec nad Cernymi Iesy, Czech Republic. Contact: Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences, Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, Kamycka 1176, Praha 6 – Suchdol, 165 21, Czech Republic
GALLAGHER T. (editor). 2010. Fueling the future. 33th Council on Forest Engineering Annual Meeting. June 6–9, Auburn, Alabama. [Electronic ordering: printable PDF pages at]
CAVALLI R., GRIGOLATO S. (editors). 2010. FORMEC 2010. 43rd International Symposium on Forestry Mechanization. July 11-14, Padua, Italy. Contact: University of Padua – Dept. TESAF, Viale dell’Università 16, 35020 Legnaro, Italy [Electronic ordering: printable html pages at]
LEBEL L., BENJAMIN J., BEAUDOIN D., GINGRAS J-F., D’AMOURS S., DUBEAU D., TREMBLAY P-S. (editors). 2011. Engineering the forest value chain. 34th Council on Forest Engineering Annual Meeting. June 12-15, Quebec City, Canada. [Electronic ordering: printable PDF pages at]
STAMPFER K., KANZIAN C., ROTTENSTEINER C., HOLZLEITHNER F., PERTLIK E., BOHRN G., PUTZ G., LEITNER T., BERKETT H. and KÜHMAIER M. (editors). 2011. FORMEC 2011. 44th International Symposium on Forestry Mechanization. October 9 – 13, Graz, Austria. Contact: FORMEC [] [Electronic ordering: printable PDF pages at]
PENTEK T., PORŠINSKY T., ŠPORČIĆ M. (editors). 2012. FORMEC 2012. 45th International Symposium on Forestry Mechanization. October 8 – 12, Dubrovnik (Cavtat), Croatia. Contact: FORMEC Croatia [] [Electronic ordering: printable PDF pages]
Scientific Journals
- Mountain Research and Development []
- Croatian journal of Forest Engineering []
- International Journal of Forest Engineering []
Textbooks, Monographies
SAMSET I. 1985. Winch and cable systems. Dordrecht: Nijhoff/Junk. 539 S. p.
FAO. 1996. FAO model code of forest harvesting practice []
HEINIMANN H.R. 2000. Forest operations under mountainous conditions. Forest In Sustainable Mountain Development. Oxford, UK: Mountain Regions and Conservation Programme, Environmental Change Institute. p. 624.
GHAFFARIYAN M. R., ACUNA M., ACKERMAN P. 2012. Review of new ground-based technologies for steep terrain. CRC Bulletin n. 21. p. 5 [Contact: Mark Brown at mbrown2(at)]
McEWAN A., BRINK M., van ZYL S. 2013. Guidelines for difficult terrain ground based harvesting operations in South Africa. ICFR Bulletin 02-2013. p. 149 []
Links to other information resources
Newsletter November 2011, "DVD on Timber Harvesting Methods"
Scientific Organizations
- ICIMOD International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development []
- IMS The International Mountain Society []
- MF Mountain Forum []
- Mountain Partnership []
- MRI Mountain Research Initiative []
- The Mountain Institute []
- Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment []
- IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature []
- People and the Planet [§ion=41&topic=44]
Other IUFRO Units
- 3.03.00 - Forest ergonomics []
Regular Scientific Conferences
- COFE Meeting []
World's Mountain Forests
World Conservation Monitoring Center []